You have not loaded a configuration file!

An example index document:

# Pull in the photostack.php program.

# Load your configuration file.

# Run photostack.
$photopal = new photostack;

'; exit; } # Set time limit. if(timeLimit != 0) { (timeLimit)? set_time_limit(timeLimit): set_time_limit(90); } # Hither, like the wind... # Check for a storage directory. if(!file_exists(dirRoot.'/'.storageDir) or !is_writeable(dirRoot.'/'.storageDir)) { echo dirRoot.'/'.storageDir; echo 'The "'.storageDir.'" storage directory is not set up properly.'; exit; } #Cache, bling, bling. if (caching == 'yes') { # Files to check so you can modify the cache... $files = array( dirRoot.'/'.albumListing, dirRoot.'/'.templateIndex, dirRoot.'/'.templateDisplay, dirRoot.'/'.templateSyndicateIndex, dirRoot.'/'.templateSyndicateDisplay, dirRoot.'/'.templateSearch, dirRoot.'/'.$_GET['album'].'/'.imageDir, dirRoot.'/'.$_GET['album'].'/', dirRoot.'/'.$_GET['album'].'/'.photoDesc, dirRoot.'/photostack.php', dirRoot.'/config.php', dirRoot.'/' ); # Name the cache file. if($_GET['album']) { ($_GET['img'])? $cachefile = dirRoot.'/' .storageDir .'/cache-'.$_GET['album'].'-'.$_GET['img'].'.html' : $cachefile = dirRoot.'/' .storageDir .'/cache-'.$_GET['album'].'.html' ; if($_GET['format'] == syndicationType) { $cachefile = dirRoot.'/' .storageDir .'/cache-'.$_GET['album'].'.xml'; } } else { $cachefile = dirRoot.'/'.storageDir.'/cache-index.html'; if($_GET['format'] == syndicationType) { $cachefile = dirRoot.'/'.storageDir.'/cache-index.xml'; } } foreach($files as $key) { if (file_exists($key)) { # If the modified time of any of $files is newer (read: greater) than the cached page then flag it to make a new one. if (!file_exists($cachefile) or filemtime($key) == false or filemtime($key) > filemtime($cachefile)) { if(file_exists(dirRoot.'/'.$_GET['album'].'/'.imageDir)) { $create = 'yes'; } else { exit; } } } } #If you don't want to flush the cache or make a new cache file then display the old one. if ($create != 'yes' && $_GET['flush'] != 'yes' && !$_GET['template'] && !$_GET['search']) { readfile($cachefile); //For debug... //echo "\n"; exit; } } //If you get past the above, display your data, put it in a variable and then... ob_start(); // Start the output buffer $disp = new displayData;// Display Data $disp->photoDisplay(); $data = ob_get_contents(); //Save to variable. ob_end_flush(); // Send the output to the browser //Write this output to the cache. if (caching == 'yes' && !$_GET['template'] && !$_GET['search'] && $_GET['img'] <= count($disp->getData->photos)) { $fp = fopen($cachefile, 'w'); fwrite($fp, $data); fclose($fp); clearstatcache(); // for debug echo 'written'; } } } # This class displays templates. class displayData { var $getData; function displayData() { # Load the photo and album data. $this->getData = new getData; } function photoDisplay() { if($_GET['search']) { $template = dirRoot.'/'.templateSearch; } else { if($_GET['album']) { ($_GET['format'] && $_GET['format'] == syndicationType) ? $template = dirRoot.'/'.templateSyndicateDisplay : $template = dirRoot.'/'.templateDisplay; } else { ($_GET['format'] && $_GET['format'] == syndicationType)? $template = dirRoot.'/'.templateSyndicateIndex : $template = dirRoot.'/'.templateIndex; } } if ($_GET['template'] && !file_exists(dirRoot.'/'.$_GET['template'])) { echo 'This template does not exist'; } elseif($_GET['template']) { $template = dirRoot.'/'.$_GET['template']; } //Template it baby. $this->template($template); } #The Meat and Bones baby. Err, something like that. function template($template) { # Open $template and put it into $page. Then buffer it. $openTemplate = fopen($template, 'r'); while(!feof ($openTemplate) ) { $line = fgets($openTemplate, 4096); $page .= $line; } fclose($openTemplate); $this->rawTemplate($page); } function rawTemplate($page) { # start a buffer grab the content evaluate it and save it, # then, don't display a damn thing //Fix template tags. # Set current Image !$_GET['img'] ? ($n = 1) : ($n = $_GET['img']); //Album Container Tag $page = preg_replace_callback( '/<'.tagName.'Albums.*?'.'>([\w\W]*?)<\/'.tagName.'Albums>/', array($this, 'albumList'),$page); //Images Container Tag $page = preg_replace_callback( '/<'.tagName.'Photos.*?'.'>([\W\w]*?)<\/'.tagName.'Photos>/', array($this, 'imageList'),$page); // Miscellaneous $page = str_replace( '<$'.tagName.'Separator'.'$>', separator, $page); // Names $page = str_replace( '<$'.tagName.'NameMain'.'$>', siteName, $page); $page = str_replace( '<$'.tagName.'NameAuthor'.'$>', author, $page); $page = str_replace( '<$'.tagName.'NamePhotos'.'$>', photosName, $page); // Current Album $page = str_replace( '<$'.tagName.'CurrentAlbumTitle'.'$>', $this->getData->albums[$_GET['album']]['title'], $page); $page = str_replace( '<$'.tagName.'CurrentAlbumURL'.'$>', webDir.'/'.pageName.'?album='.$_GET['album'], $page); # Fix counter for photos. ($this->getData->photos)? $count = count($this->getData->photos) :$count = 0; $page = str_replace( '<$'.tagName.'CurrentAlbumCount'.'$>', $count, $page); $page = str_replace( '<$'.tagName.'CurrentAlbumFolder'.'$>', $_GET['album'], $page); $page = str_replace( '<$'.tagName.'CurrentAlbumDate'.'$>', $this->getData->albums[$_GET['album']]['date'], $page); $page = str_replace('<$'.tagName.'CurrentPhotoPath'.'$>', webDir.'/' .$_GET['album']."/".imageDir .$this->getData->photos[$n]['name'], $page); $page = str_replace('<$'.tagName.'CurrentPhotoName'.'$>', $this->getData->photos[$n]['name'], $page); $page = str_replace( '<$'.tagName.'CurrentPhotoHeight'.'$>', $this->getData->photos[$n]['height'], $page); $page = str_replace( '<$'.tagName.'CurrentPhotoWidth'.'$>', $this->getData->photos[$n]['width'], $page); $page = str_replace( '<$'.tagName.'CurrentPhotoDescription'.'$>', $this->getData->photos[$n]['desc'], $page); $page = str_replace( '<$'.tagName.'CurrentPhotoDate'.'$>', date(dateFormat, $this->getData->photos[$n]['date']), $page); $page = str_replace( '<$'.tagName.'CurrentPhotoURL'.'$>', webDir.'/?album='.$_GET['album']."&img=".$n, $page); $page = str_replace( '<$'.tagName.'CurrentPhotoFilename'.'$>', $this->getData->photos[$n]['name'], $page); $page = str_replace( '<$'.tagName.'CurrentPhotoNumber'.'$>', $n, $page); // Navigation // "Next album" logic. foreach ($this->getData->albums as $key => $value) { $albumList[] = $value['id']; } foreach ($albumList as $key => $value) { if($_GET['album'] == $value) { ($albumList[$key + 1])? $nextalbum = $albumList[$key + 1]: $nextalbum = $albumList[0]; ($albumList[$key - 1])? $prevalbum = $albumList[$key - 1]: $prevalbum = $albumList[count($albumList) - 1]; } } $page = str_replace( '<$'.tagName.'NavigationNextAlbum'.'$>', webDir.'/'.pageName.'?album='.$nextalbum, $page); $page = str_replace( '<$'.tagName.'NavigationPreviousAlbum'.'$>', webDir.'/'.pageName.'?album='.$prevalbum, $page); ($n < $count)? $next = $n + 1 : $next = 1; $page = str_replace( '<$'.tagName.'NavigationNext'.'$>', $next, $page); ($n <= $count && $n != 1)? $prev = $n - 1 : $prev = $count; $page = str_replace( '<$'.tagName.'NavigationPrevious'.'$>', $prev, $page); $page = str_replace( '<$'.tagName.'NavigationFirst'.'$>', '1', $page); $page = str_replace( '<$'.tagName.'NavigationLast'.'$>', $count, $page); $page = str_replace( '<$'.tagName.'NavigationListing'.'$>', webDir.'/'.pageName, $page); $page = str_replace( '<$'.tagName.'NavigationMain'.'$>', 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $page); eval(' ?'.'>'.$page.'<'.'? '); // Just an echo function for ALL of this... seems stupid. } function albumList ($matches) { $data = rtrim($matches[1]); if($this->getData->albums) { $tags = array( '<$'.tagName.'AlbumTitle'.'$>', '<$'.tagName.'AlbumFolder'.'$>', '<$'.tagName.'AlbumDate'.'$>', '<$'.tagName.'AlbumSelected'.'$>', '<$'.tagName.'AlbumCount'.'$>' ); (preg_match('/<'.tagName.'Albums .*num="[0-9]+".*>[\w\W]*?<\/' .tagName.'Albums>/', $matches[0])) ? ($number = preg_replace('/<'.tagName.'Albums .*num="([0-9]+)".*>[\w\W]*?<\/' .tagName.'Albums>/',"\\1", $matches[0])) : ($number = count($this->getData->albums)); foreach($this->getData->albums as $albumid) { if($counter < $number) { //If necessary get picture info. if( strstr($data,'<$'.tagName.'AlbumCount'.'$>') or strstr($data,'<$'.tagName.'AlbumDate'.'$>') or strstr($data,'<$'.tagName.'AlbumFirstImagePath'.'$>') or preg_match('/<'.tagName.'Photos.*?'.'>([\w\W]*?)<\/'.tagName.'Photos>/', $matches[1]) && !$_GET['album']) { unset($this->getData->photos); //NUMBER THE GOD DAMN IMAGES BEFORE ASSIGNING ANYTHING!!! $this->getData->numImages($albumid['id']); //NUMBER THE GOD DAMN IMAGES BEFORE ASSIGNING ANYTHING!!! $this->getData->makeThumbs($albumid['id']); if(preg_match('<\$'.tagName.'Photo.*Height'.'\$>', $matches[1])) { $this->getData->getSizes($albumid['id']); } if(preg_match('<\$'.tagName.'Photo.*Date'.'\$>', $matches[1])) { $this->getData->getPhotoDates($albumid['id']); } if(preg_match('<\$'.tagName.'PhotoDescription'.'\$>', $matches[1])) { $this->getData->getPhotoDesc($albumid['id']); } $this->getData->getPhotoDates($albumid['id']); $this->getData->sortPhotos(); } if($this->getData->photos != '' && $this->getData->photos) { $count = count($this->getData->photos); } else { $count = 0; } $randval = 1; if($_GET['album'] == $albumid['id']) { $selected = ' selected="selected"'; } else { $selected = ''; } //SETS DATE FOR ALBUMS WHEN DISPLAYED ($albumid['date'])? $date = $albumid['date']:$date = $this->getData->photos[$randval]['date']; $replacements = array( $albumid['title'], $albumid['id'], date(dateFormat, $date), $selected, $count ); $albumListing = str_replace($tags, $replacements, $data); //Save it $album = $_GET['album']; //Change it $_GET['album'] = $albumid['id']; //Get sub image listing. :-) $imageListing = preg_replace_callback('/<'.tagName.'Photos.*?'.'>([\w\W]*?)<\/'. tagName.'Photos>/',array($this, 'imageList'), $albumListing); //Replenish it. $_GET['album'] = $album; $output .= $imageListing; $counter++; } } return $output; } } function imageList ($matches) { $data = rtrim($matches[1]); if ($_GET['album']) { $albumGet = $_GET['album']; } if($_GET['album']) { if(file_exists(dirRoot."/".$_GET['album']."/")) { $tags = array( '<$'.tagName.'PhotoNumber'.'$>', '<$'.tagName.'PhotoDate'.'$>', '<$'.tagName.'PhotoDescription'.'$>', '<$'.tagName.'PhotoURL'.'$>', '<$'.tagName.'PhotoPath'.'$>', '<$'.tagName.'PhotoThumbPath'.'$>', '<$'.tagName.'PhotoHeight'.'$>', '<$'.tagName.'PhotoWidth'.'$>', '<$'.tagName.'PhotoFilename'.'$>', '<$'.tagName.'PhotoThumbHeight'.'$>', '<$'.tagName.'PhotoThumbWidth'.'$>', ); (preg_match('/<'.tagName.'Photos .*num="[0-9]+".*>[\w\W]*?<\/'. tagName.'Photos>/', $matches[0])) ? ($count = preg_replace('/<'.tagName.'Photos .*num="([0-9]+)".*>[\w\W]*?<\/'. tagName.'Photos>/' ,"\\1", $matches[0])) : ($count = count($this->getData->photos)); (preg_match('/<'.tagName.'Photos .*offset="[0-9]+".*>([\w\W]*?)<\/'. tagName.'Photos>/', $matches[0])) ? ($iCount = preg_replace('/<'.tagName.'Photos .*offset="([0-9]+)".*>[\w\W]*?<\/'. tagName.'Photos>/', "\\1", $matches[0])) : ($iCount = 0); $count = round($count); $iCount = round($iCount); if($this->getData->photos) { foreach($this->getData->photos as $i => $value) { ($i + $iCount > count($this->getData->photos))? $i = count($this->getData->photos) - $counter: $i = $i + $iCount; if($counter < $count) { $replacements = array( $i, date(dateFormat, $this->getData->photos[$i]['date']), $this->getData->photos[$i]['desc'], webDir.'/'.pageName.'?album='.$_GET['album'].'&img='.$i, webDir.'/'.$_GET['album'].'/'. imageDir.$this->getData->photos[$i]['name'], webDir.'/'.storageDir.'/'. 'thumb-'.$_GET['album'].'-'.$this->getData->photos[$i]['name'].'.png', $this->getData->photos[$i]['height'], $this->getData->photos[$i]['width'], $this->getData->photos[$i]['name'], $this->getData->photos[$i]['thumbHeight'], $this->getData->photos[$i]['thumbWidth'], ); $output .= str_replace($tags, $replacements, $data); $counter++; } } } } return $output; } } } # This class gathers all the information. class getData { var $photos; var $albums; function getData() { //Get Album Names $this->getAlbumListing(); if($_GET['album']) { //Give album a variable. Why? Cause. $selectedAlbum = $_GET['album']; //LET IT^ NUMBER THE DAMN IMAGES!!! $this->numImages($selectedAlbum); //LET IT^ NUMBER THE DAMN IMAGES!!! //Make the thumbnails / take care of flush $this->makeThumbs($selectedAlbum); //Get Photo Descriptions $this->getPhotoDesc($selectedAlbum); //Get Photo Dimensions $this->getSizes($selectedAlbum); //Get Photo Dates/Modified Times $this->getPhotoDates($selectedAlbum); $this->sortPhotos(); } } function getAlbumListing() { if(file_exists(dirRoot."/".albumListing)) { $albumLines = fopen (dirRoot."/".albumListing, 'r'); while(!feof ($albumLines)) { $line = fgets($albumLines, 4096); //If the line is empty fuck it. if(trim($line) != '') { // If there is a date, preg it. if (preg_match('/^(.+):(.+):(.+)$/',$line)) { $albumName = trim(preg_replace('/^(.+):(.+):(.+)$/',"\$1",$line)); $albumDesc = trim(preg_replace('/^(.+):(.+):(.+)$/',"\$2",$line)); $albumDate = trim(preg_replace('/^(.+):(.+):(.+)$/',"\$3",$line)); $this->albums[$albumName]['date'] = date(dateFormat, strtotime($albumDate)); } else { $albumName = trim(preg_replace('/^(.+):(.+)$/',"\$1",$line)); $albumDesc = trim(preg_replace('/^(.+):(.+)$/',"\$2",$line)); } $this->albums[$albumName]['title'] = str_replace("'","'", str_replace('"',""", $albumDesc)); $this->albums[$albumName]['id'] = $albumName; } } fclose($albumLines); if(albumsSortNatural == 'yes') { uasort($this->albums,array($this,'sortByTitle')); } } else { echo "

You don't have an album description file. Please fix this.

"; } } function sortByTitle($a,$b) { return strnatcasecmp($a['title'],$b['title']); } // Store images in photo Array function numImages($albumGet) { unset($this->photos); if (file_exists(dirRoot."/".$albumGet.'/'.imageDir)) { $dirimages = opendir(dirRoot."/".$albumGet."/".imageDir) or print("We can't open the correct directory!"); $photocount = 0; while ($files = readdir($dirimages) ) { if (preg_match('/.*\.(jpg|png|gif|JPG|PNG|GIF)/',$files) && !@strstr($files,skipIfContains)) { $photocount = $photocount + 1; $this->photos[$photocount]['name'] = $files; } } } else { echo "

The '$albumGet' folder does not exist or is not setup properly.

"; } return count($this->photos); } function getSizes ($albumGet) { if($this->photos) { foreach($this->photos as $i => $value) { $this->getPhotoSize($i,$albumGet); } } } function getPhotoSize ($integer,$albumGet) { $size = @getimagesize(dirRoot."/". $albumGet."/".imageDir.$this->photos[$integer]['name']); $this->photos[$integer]['height'] = $size[1]; $this->photos[$integer]['width'] = $size[0]; $size = @getimagesize(dirRoot."/". storageDir."/".'thumb-'.$albumGet.'-'.$this->photos[$integer]['name'].'.png'); $this->photos[$integer]['thumbHeight'] = $size[1]; $this->photos[$integer]['thumbWidth'] = $size[0]; } function getPhotoDesc($albumGet) { $descPath = dirRoot.'/'.$albumGet.'/'.photoDesc; if($this->photos) { if(file_exists($descPath)) { $descLines = fopen ($descPath, 'r'); while(!feof($descLines)) { $line = fgets($descLines, 4096); $line = str_replace('http://','http;//',$line); //fix for urls $line = str_replace('"','"',$line); //fix for quotes or something? $corPhoto = trim(preg_replace('/^(.+):(.+)$/', '$1',$line)); // filename $desc = trim(preg_replace('/^(.+):(.+)$/', '$2',$line)); // description $desc = str_replace('http;//','http://',$desc); //fix urls $desc = str_replace("'","'", $desc); //fix apostrophe $desc = str_replace('"',""", $desc); //fix quote mark $desc = str_replace(' ',' ',$desc); $desc = str_replace('(','%28',$desc); $desc = str_replace(')','%29',$desc); $descriptions[$corPhoto] = $desc; //put into array $this->files[] = $corPhoto; } fclose($descLines); } foreach($this->photos as $i => $value) { if ($this->files) { foreach($descriptions as $key => $desc) { if ($key == $this->photos[$i]['name']) { $this->photos[$i]['desc'] = $desc; } } } if (!$this->photos[$i]['desc']) { $this->photos[$i]['desc'] = $this->photos[$i]['name']; } } } } function sortPhotos () { if(photosSortNatural != 'no' && $this->photos) { usort($this->photos,array($this,'sortByName')); $this->$sort = true; } if(photosSortByDesc != 'no' && $this->photos && $this->files && file_exists(dirRoot.'/'.$_GET['album'].'/'.photoDesc)) { //@usort($this->photos,array($this,'sortByName')); usort($this->photos,array($this,"descSort")); $this->$sort = true; } if(photosSortByDate != 'no' && $this->photos) { usort($this->photos,array($this,"dateSort")); $this->$sort = true; } if(photosSortReverse != 'no' && $this->photos) { $this->photos = array_reverse($this->photos); $this->$sort = true; } if($this->$sort == true) { foreach($this->photos as $i => $value) { $this->photos[$i + 1] = $value; } unset($this->photos[0]); } } function sortByName($a,$b) { return strnatcasecmp($a['name'],$b['name']); } function dateSort ($a,$b) { return strnatcasecmp($a['date'],$b['date']); } function descSort ($a,$b) { foreach($this->files as $key => $value) { if($a['name'] == $value) { return 0; } if($b['name'] == $value) { return 1; } } } //end sort functions function getPhotoDates($albumGet) { if($this->photos) { foreach($this->photos as $i => $value) { $this->assignDate($i,$albumGet); } } } function assignDate ($integer,$albumGet) { if($this->photos) { $exif = new exif; $result = @$exif->read_exif_data_raw(dirRoot.'/'. $albumGet.'/'.imageDir. $this->photos[$integer]['name'],"yes"); $time = $result['SubIFD']['DateTimeOriginal']; $hour = preg_replace('/([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+) ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)/', '$4', $time); $minute = preg_replace('/([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+) ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)/', '$5', $time); $second = preg_replace('/([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+) ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)/', '$6', $time); $month = preg_replace('/([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+) ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)/', '$2', $time); $day = preg_replace('/([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+) ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)/', '$3', $time); $year = preg_replace('/([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+) ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)/', '$1', $time); $timestamp = mktime($hour,$minute,$second,$month,$day,$year); /*temporary*/ #if ($time == '' or $year == 0000) { $timestamp = @filemtime(dirRoot.'/'.$albumGet.'/'.imageDir.$this->photos[$integer]['name']); #} $this->photos[$integer]['date'] = $timestamp; if($integer = 1 && !isset($this->albums[$albumGet]['date'])) { $this->albums[$albumGet]['date'] = $this->photos[$integer]['date']; } } } function makeThumbs ($albumGet) { if($this->photos && thumbnails != 'no') { if(file_exists(dirRoot.'/'.$albumGet.'/'.imageDir)) { foreach($this->photos as $i => $value) { $this->makeThumb($i,$albumGet); } } } } function makeThumb ($integer,$albumGet) { $name = $this->photos[$integer]['name']; $this->flushThumb($integer,$albumGet); if (!file_exists(dirRoot."/".storageDir."/".'thumb-'.$albumGet.'-'.$name.'.png') && thumbnails != 'no') { if(!is_writeable(dirRoot.'/'.storageDir.'/')) { echo 'The "'.storageDir.'" directory is not writeable, PhotoStack can not create your thumbnails.'; } else { // Image to make thumb after. $originalPath = dirRoot."/".$albumGet."/".imageDir.$name; $thumbPath = dirRoot."/".storageDir."/".'thumb-'.$albumGet.'-'.$name.'.png'; //Create a canvas from the image. $srcImg = imagecreatefromjpeg($originalPath); //Get the image size into the $srcSize Array $srcSize = getimagesize($originalPath); //[0] is width [1] is height //Set the size of the new smaller thumbnail if (fullSize != 'yes') { $dstW = $srcSize[0] * imageScale; $dstH = $srcSize[1] * imageScale; } elseif(fullSize == 'yes' && thumbHeight or thumbWidth > 0) { (thumbHeight > thumbWidth)? ($magnify = $srcSize[1] / thumbHeight) : ($magnify = $srcSize[0] / thumbWidth); $dstW = $srcSize[0] / $magnify; $dstH = $srcSize[1] / $magnify; } else { echo 'Your thumbnail options are set incorrectly.'; exit; } //Create a blank canvas $dstImg = $this->createimage($dstW,$dstH); //Resize the $srcImg image onto the $dstImg $this->copyimage($dstImg, $srcImg, //dst_im, src_im 0, 0, //int dstX, int dstY 0, 0, //int srcX, srcY $dstW, $dstH, //int dstW, int dstH $srcSize[0], $srcSize[1]); //int srcW, int srcH # Write the full size thumbnail to the thumb path. imagepng($dstImg, $thumbPath); imagedestroy($srcImg); imagedestroy($dstImg); if (fullSize != 'yes') { $srcImg = imagecreatefrompng($thumbPath); $srcX = ($dstW / 2) - (thumbWidth / 2); $srcY = ($dstH / 2) - (thumbHeight / 2); //Create the thumbnail canvas. $thumbImg = $this->createimage(thumbWidth,thumbHeight); #copy the $this->copyimage($thumbImg, $srcImg, //dst_im, src_im 0, 0, //int dstX, int dstY $srcX, $srcY, //int srcX, srcY $dstW, $dstH, //int dstW, int dstH $dstW, $dstH); //int srcW, int srcH # Write the $thumbImg resource img to file. imagepng($thumbImg, dirRoot."/".storageDir."/".'thumb-'.$albumGet.'-'.$name.'.png'); imagedestroy($srcImg); imagedestroy($thumbImg); } } } } function copyimage($dst,$src,$dstX,$dstY,$srcX,$srcY,$dstW,$dstH,$srcW,$srcH) { (gd2 != 'no')? ($result = imagecopyresampled($dst,$src,$dstX,$dstY,$srcX,$srcY,$dstW,$dstH,$srcW,$srcH)) : ($result = imagecopyresized($dst,$src,$dstX,$dstY,$srcX,$srcY,$dstW,$dstH,$srcW,$srcH)); return $result; } function createimage($dstW,$dstH) { (gd2 != 'no')? ($result = ImageCreateTrueColor($dstW,$dstH)) : ($result = ImageCreate($dstW,$dstH)); return $result; } function flushThumb ($integer,$albumGet) { if (@filemtime(dirRoot."/". storageDir."/". 'thumb-'.$albumGet.'-'.$this->photos[$integer]['name'].'.png') < @filemtime(dirRoot."/" .$albumGet.'/'.imageDir.$this->photos[$integer]['name']) or $_GET['flush'] == 'yes' && file_exists( dirRoot."/".storageDir."/". 'thumb-'.$albumGet.'-'.$this->photos[$integer]['name'].'.png') ) { @unlink(dirRoot."/". storageDir."/". 'thumb-'.$albumGet.'-'.$this->photos[$integer]['name'].'.png'); } } } # The class used in conjunction with photostack. class organize extends photostack { var $displayData; function organize () { if(!defined('config')) { echo '

You have not loaded a configuration file!

An example index document:

# Pull in the photostack.php program.

# Load your configuration file.

# Run photostack.

'; exit; } ob_start(); $this->displayData = new displayData; $this->head(); $md5 = md5('PhotoStack'.$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'].photostackUsername.photostackPassword); if($_COOKIE['PhotoStack'] != $md5 or $_POST['username'] or $_POST['password'] or $_GET['logout']) { echo '


'; if($_GET['logout'] == 'yes') { setcookie('PhotoStack', 'nothing', time() - 3600, '/', '.'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); echo '

Logout Successful

'; } if($_POST['username'] == photostackUsername && $_POST['password'] == photostackPassword) { setcookie('PhotoStack', md5('PhotoStack'.$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'].$_POST['username'].$_POST['password']), time()+60*60*24*30, '/', '.'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); header('Location: '.webConfigURL.''); } elseif($_POST) { echo '

Incorrect Authentication Information

'; } echo '



'; } elseif(isset($_COOKIE['PhotoStack']) && $_COOKIE['PhotoStack'] == $md5) { if($_POST['__mode']) { $_GET['__mode'] = $_POST['__mode']; } if($_POST['album']) { $_GET['album'] = $_POST['album']; } switch ($_GET['__mode']) { case 'editAlbum': $this->editAlbum(); break; case 'editDesc': $this->editDesc(); break; case 'addPhotos': $this->addPhotos(); break; case 'deletePhotos': $this->deletePhotos(); break; case 'addAlbum': $this->addAlbum(); break; case 'deleteAlbum': $this->deleteAlbum(); break; default: $this->defaultDisplay(); } } $this->foot(); $page = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); echo $page;//str_replace('','
',$page); } function head () { echo ' PhotoStack

PhotoStack › Organize

'; if($_COOKIE['PhotoStack'] && $_GET['logout'] != 'yes') { echo ' '; if( $_GET['__mode'] == 'deletePhotos' or $_GET['__mode'] == 'addPhotos' or $_GET['__mode'] == 'editAlbum' or $_GET['__mode'] == 'editDesc' ) { $this->displayData->rawTemplate(' '); } } echo ' '; } function foot () { echo '
'; } function defaultDisplay() { $this->displayData->rawTemplate('

Your Photo Albums


To the left are your current albums, click them to edit photos move the album to another folder, rename, the album, and edit photo descriptions.


'); } function ftpConnect() { $ftp = ftp_connect(ftpHost); $login_result = ftp_login($ftp, ftpUsername, ftpPassword); // check connection if (!$ftp or !$login_result) { echo "FTP connection has failed!"; echo "Attempted to connect to $ftp_server for user $ftp_user_name"; exit; } ftp_pasv($ftp, true); ftp_chdir($ftp, ftpDir.'/'); return $ftp; } #This function is so fucked up looking. function ftpUpload ($files, $ftp) { if($files) { $forshell = escapeshellcmd($_POST['albumFolder']); $print .= '
    '; # Count how many files to try and upload $count = count($files['upload_file']['name']); for($i = 0; $i <= $count - 1; $i++) { # If the file is '' then don't upload it. if(eregi('.*\.zip$',$files['upload_file']['name'][$i])) { if(ftp_put($ftp, $files['upload_file']['name'][$i], $files['upload_file']['tmp_name'][$i], FTP_BINARY)) { if(file_exists(dirRoot.'/'.$_POST['albumFolder'].'/'.$files['upload_file']['name'][$i])) { $perms = substr(sprintf("%o", fileperms(dirRoot.'/'.$_POST['albumFolder'].'/')), '2'); if(ftp_site($ftp, 'CHMOD 777 '.ftpDir.'/'.$_POST['albumFolder'].'/')) { exec('cd '.dirRoot.'/'.$forshell.'/; pwd; '. '/usr/bin/unzip -o '.dirRoot.'/'.$forshell.'/'.$files['upload_file']['name'][$i]); ftp_site($ftp, 'CHMOD '.$perms.' '.ftpDir.'/'.$_POST['albumFolder'].'/'); ftp_delete($ftp, ftpDir.'/'.$_POST['albumFolder'].'/'.$files['upload_file']['name'][$i]); $print .= '
  1. '.$files['upload_file']['name'][$i].' was successfully unzipped.
  2. '; } else { $print .= '
  3. An error occured. Your FTP server does not support the SITE set of commands.
  4. '; } } } } elseif ($files['upload_file']['name'][$i] != '' && preg_match('/.*\.(txt|jpg|png|gif|JPG|PNG|TXT|GIF)/',$files['upload_file']['name'][$i])) { if(ftp_put($ftp, $files['upload_file']['name'][$i], $files['upload_file']['tmp_name'][$i], FTP_BINARY)) { $print .= '
  5. '.$files['upload_file']['name'][$i].' was uploaded successfully.
  6. '; } } elseif ($files['upload_file']['name'][$i] != '') { $print .= '
  7. '.$files['upload_file']['name'][$i].' - An encountered file has an unsuitable extension for uploading.
  8. '; } } $print .= '
'; return $print; } } function addAlbum() { if($_POST['edit'] == 'yes' && $_POST['albumFolder'] != '' && $_POST['albumTitle'] != '') { /*$_POST['albumFolder'] = stripslashes($_POST['albumFolder']); $_POST['albumTitle'] = stripslashes($_POST['albumTitle']);*/ echo '

Creating New Album

'; $ftp = $this->ftpConnect(); # Create temp file and get old album data /*$temp = tmpfile(); if(@ftp_fget($ftp, $temp, albumListing, FTP_ASCII)) { rewind ($temp); $data = fread($temp, ftp_size($ftp, albumListing) ); } fclose($temp);*/ #If the album does not exist make the directory for it and change to that directory if(@ftp_mkdir($ftp, ftpDir.'/'.$_POST['albumFolder'].'/')) { echo 'Album folder created'; } else { echo 'Sorry but that album directory already exists.'; } # Get old Album Listing (albums.txt or nonsense like that.) $listing = fopen(dirRoot.'/'.albumListing, 'r'); $data = fread($listing, filesize(dirRoot.'/'.albumListing)); fclose($listing); #append new album data to old album data $data = trim($data); if($_POST['albumFolder'] && $_POST['albumFolder'] != '') { $data = $_POST['albumFolder'].":".$_POST['albumTitle']."\n".$data; } # Create temp file and write to server in ASCII $temp = tmpfile(); fwrite($temp, $data); rewind($temp); $album = ftp_fput($ftp, albumListing, $temp, FTP_ASCII); fclose($temp); if(@ftp_chdir($ftp, ftpDir.'/'.$_POST['albumFolder'].'/')) { $upload = $this->ftpUpload($_FILES, $ftp); if (!$album) { echo '

Album creation has failed!

'; } else { echo '

Album added!

'; echo $upload; } } else { echo 'There was an error creating your photo album.'; } ftp_quit($ftp); } else { echo '

Add a New Album

'; echo '


This is the title of this album of photos. For example "John At Work".

Directory Name:
This is the directory that your album will be created in and should be unique to this album. For example "john".

Choose Photos:
You can upload as many or as few photos when you create this album.

To upload more photos select approximately how many you would like to upload from the drop down menu. Upload more photos when you feel like it.

The accepted file formats are JPG, PNG, and ZIP. A zip archive must contain the files you would like extracted into this album.

'; echo '

Choose Photos:


'; if(!$_GET['n']) { $n = 8; } else { $n = $_GET['n']; } echo '
    '; for($i = 1; $i <= $n;$i++) { echo '
  1. '; } echo '
'; } } function deleteAlbum() { if($_GET['edit'] == 'yes' && $_GET['delete']) { echo '

Deleting Albums

'; $ftp = $this->ftpConnect(); ftp_chdir($ftp, ftpDir.'/'); $listing = fopen(dirRoot.'/'.albumListing, 'r'); $data = fread($listing, filesize(dirRoot.'/'.albumListing)); fclose($listing); $data = trim($data); for($i = 0; $i <= count($_GET['delete']) - 1;$i++) { @ftp_chdir($ftp, ftpDir.'/'.$_GET['delete'][$i].'/'); if($contents = ftp_nlist($ftp, ftpDir.'/'.$_GET['delete'][$i])) { foreach($contents as $file) { ftp_delete($ftp, $file); } } if(@ftp_rmdir($ftp, ftpDir.'/'.$_GET['delete'][$i].'/')) { echo '

The album "'.$_GET['albumTitle'][$_GET['delete'][$i]].'" was deleted from the server.

'; } else { echo '

'.$_GET['albumTitle'][$albumfolder].' album was unsuccessfully deleted from the server (it may not have had a directory).

'; } $data = preg_replace('/^'.preg_quote($_GET['delete'][$i]).':'.preg_quote($_GET['albumTitle'][$_GET['delete'][$i]]).'.*$/m', '', $data); $data = preg_replace('/^\s*$/m', '', $data); $temp = tmpfile(); fwrite($temp, $data); rewind($temp); $upload = ftp_fput($ftp, ftpDir.'/'.albumListing, $temp, FTP_ASCII); fclose($temp); echo '

The album was deleted from '.albumListing.'

'; } ftp_quit($ftp); } else { echo '

Delete Albums

'; $this->displayData->rawTemplate('

'); } } function editAlbum() { $this->displayData->rawTemplate('

Edit <$PSCurrentAlbumTitle$>

'); if($_GET['edit'] == 'yes' && $_GET['albumFolder'] != '' or $_GET['albumTitle'] != '' or $_GET['albumDate']) { /*$_GET['albumFolder'] = stripslashes($_GET['albumFolder']); $_GET['albumTitle'] = stripslashes($_GET['albumTitle']); $_GET['albumDate'] = stripslashes($_GET['albumDate']); $_GET['oldFolder'] = stripslashes($_GET['oldFolder']); $_GET['oldTitle'] = stripslashes($_GET['oldTitle']);*/ if($_GET['albumFolder'] == '') { $_GET['albumFolder'] = $_GET['oldFolder']; } if($_GET['albumTitle'] == '') { $_GET['albumTitle'] = $_GET['oldTitle']; } if($_GET['albumDate'] == '' or $_GET['albumDate'] == ' ') { $_GET['albumDate'] = ''; } else { $_GET['albumDate'] = ':'.$_GET['albumDate']; } $ftp = $this->ftpConnect(); ftp_chdir($ftp, ftpDir.'/'); # Get old Album Listing (albums.txt or nonsense like that.) $listing = fopen(dirRoot.'/'.albumListing, 'r'); $data = fread($listing, filesize(dirRoot.'/'.albumListing)); fclose($listing); $data = trim($data); $pattern = "/".preg_quote($_GET['oldFolder']).":".preg_quote($_GET['oldTitle']).".*/"; $replacement = $_GET['albumFolder'].":".$_GET['albumTitle'].$_GET['albumDate']; $data = preg_replace($pattern,$replacement,$data); # Create temp file and write to server in ASCII $temp = tmpfile(); fwrite($temp, $data); rewind($temp); $album = ftp_fput($ftp, albumListing, $temp, FTP_ASCII); fclose($temp); # Move if the directory has changed. if($_GET['albumFolder'] != $_GET['oldFolder']) { if(@ftp_chdir($ftp, ftpDir.'/'.$_GET['albumFolder'].'/') == 0) { ftp_mkdir($ftp, ftpDir.'/'.$_GET['albumFolder'].'/'); } else { echo 'That album folder is already being used.
'; } #rename this bitch ftp_rename($ftp, $_GET['oldFolder'], $_GET['albumFolder']); if(ftp_rmdir($ftp, ftpDir.'/'.$_GET['oldFolder'].'/')) { echo 'The album '.$_GET['albumFolder'].' was moved.
'; } } ftp_quit($ftp); header('Location: '.webConfigURL.'?__mode=editAlbum&edited=yes&album='.$_GET['albumFolder']); } if ($_GET['edited'] == 'yes') { echo '

Album Edited!

'; } $this->displayData->rawTemplate('

Album Info:

Title: <$PSCurrentAlbumTitle$>

Directory: <$PSCurrentAlbumFolder$>

Date: <$PSCurrentAlbumDate$>

View | Flush

Change Album Info:

'); } function editDesc() { $this->displayData->rawTemplate('

Edit Descriptions

'); if($_GET['edit'] == 'yes') { $ftp = $this->ftpConnect(); ftp_chdir($ftp, ftpDir.'/'.$_GET['album'].'/'); for($i = 0; $i <= count($_GET['photos']) - 1;$i++) { if($_GET['desc'][$i] && $_GET['desc'][$i] != '' && $_GET['name'][$i] != $_GET['desc'][$i]) { $page .= $_GET['photos'][$i].":".$_GET['desc'][$i]."\n"; } } $temp = tmpfile(); fwrite($temp, $page); rewind($temp); $upload = ftp_fput($ftp, ftpDir.'/'.$_GET['album'].'/'.photoDesc, $temp, FTP_ASCII); fclose($temp); if (!$upload) { echo "FTP upload has failed!"; } else { echo "Descriptions and files adjusted accordingly!"; } // close the FTP stream ftp_quit($ftp); } else { $this->displayData->rawTemplate('

'); } } function addPhotos() { $this->displayData->rawTemplate('

Add Photos to “<$PSCurrentAlbumTitle$>”

'); if($_POST['edit'] == 'yes' && $_POST['albumFolder'] && $_FILES) { $ftp = $this->ftpConnect(); /*$_POST['albumFolder'] = stripslashes($_POST['albumFolder']);*/ #If the album does not exist make the directory for it and change to that directory if(@ftp_chdir($ftp, ftpDir.'/'.$_POST['albumFolder'].'/') ) { $upload = $this->ftpUpload($_FILES, $ftp); if (!$upload) { echo '

Photo adddition has failed!

'; } else { echo '

Photos added to album!

'; echo $upload; } } else { echo 'That album does not exist.'; } ftp_quit($ftp); } else { echo '


Upload your files:
You can upload as many or as few photos when you create this album.

To upload more photos select approximately how many you would like to upload from the drop down menu. Upload more photos when you feel like it.

File Types:
JPG, PNG, GIF, and ZIP files are acceptable. ZIP files should be a single zipped file of JPGs.

'; echo '
'; echo '

Choose Photos:

Add Photos

'; if(!$_GET['n']) { $n = 8; } else { $n = $_GET['n']; } echo '
    '; for($i = 1; $i <= $n;$i++) { echo '
  1. '; } echo '

'; } } function deletePhotos() { $this->displayData->rawTemplate('

Delete Photos from “<$PSCurrentAlbumTitle$>”

'); if($_GET['edit'] == 'yes' && $_GET['delete']) { $ftp = $this->ftpConnect(); ftp_chdir($ftp, ftpDir.'/'.$_GET['album'].'/'); echo '

Photos Deleted Successfully

    '; foreach($_GET['delete'] as $key => $value) { if(file_exists(dirRoot.'/'.$_GET['album'].'/'.$value)) { ftp_delete($ftp, ftpDir.'/'.$_GET['album'].'/'.$value); echo '
  1. '.$value.' was deleted from this album.
  2. '; } } echo '
'; ftp_quit($ftp); } else { $this->displayData->rawTemplate('
  1. <$PSPhotoFilename$>

    <$PSPhotoFilename$> <$PSPhotoDescription$>

There is no turning back!!!!

'); } } #End of Class... } class exif { //================================================================================================ //================================================================================================ // Converts from Intel to Motorola endien. Just reverses the bytes (assumes hex is passed in) //================================================================================================ //================================================================================================ function intel2Moto($intel) { $len = strlen($intel); $moto=""; for($i=0; $i<=$len; $i+=2) { $moto.=substr($intel,$len-$i,2); } return $moto; } //================================================================================================ //================================================================================================ // Looks up the name of the tag //================================================================================================ //================================================================================================ function lookup_tag($tag) { switch($tag) { //used by IFD0 case "010e": $tag = "ImageDescription";break; case "0132": $tag = "DateTime";break; case "8769": $tag = "ExifOffset";break; //used by Exif SubIFD case "829a": $tag = "ExposureTime";break; case "9000": $tag = "ExifVersion";break; case "9003": $tag = "DateTimeOriginal";break; case "9004": $tag = "DateTimedigitized";break; default: $tag = "unknown:".$tag;break; } return $tag; } //================================================================================================ //================================================================================================ // Looks up the datatype //================================================================================================ //================================================================================================ function lookup_type(&$type,&$size) { switch($type) { case "0001": $type = "UBYTE";$size=1;break; case "0002": $type = "ASCII";$size=1;break; case "0003": $type = "USHORT";$size=2;break; case "0004": $type = "ULONG";$size=4;break; case "0005": $type = "URATIONAL";$size=8;break; case "0006": $type = "SBYTE";$size=1;break; case "0007": $type = "UNDEFINED";$size=1;break; case "0008": $type = "SSHORT";$size=2;break; case "0009": $type = "SLONG";$size=4;break; case "000a": $type = "SRATIONAL";$size=8;break; case "000b": $type = "FLOAT";$size=4;break; case "000c": $type = "DOUBLE";$size=8;break; default: $type = "error:".$type;$size=0;break; } return $type; } //================================================================================================ //================================================================================================ // Formats Data for the data type //================================================================================================ //================================================================================================ function formatData($type,$tag,$intel,$data) { if($type=="ULONG") { $data = bin2hex($data); if($intel==1) $data = $this->intel2Moto($data); if($intel==0 && ($type=="USHORT" || $type=="SSHORT")) $data = substr($data,0,4); $data=hexdec($data); } return $data; } //================================================================================================ //================================================================================================ // Reads one standard IFD entry //================================================================================================ //================================================================================================ function read_entry(&$result,$in,$seek,$intel,$ifd_name,$globalOffset) { //2 byte tag $tag = bin2hex(fread( $in, 2 )); if($intel==1) $tag = $this->intel2Moto($tag); $tag_name = $this->lookup_tag($tag); //2 byte datatype $type = bin2hex(fread( $in, 2 )); if($intel==1) $type = $this->intel2Moto($type); $this->lookup_type($type,$size); //4 byte number of elements $count = bin2hex(fread( $in, 4 )); if($intel==1) $count = $this->intel2Moto($count); $bytesofdata = $size*hexdec($count); //4 byte value or pointer to value if larger than 4 bytes $value = fread( $in, 4 ); if($bytesofdata<=4) { //if datatype is 4 bytes or less, its the value $data = $value; } else { //otherwise its a pointer to the value, so lets go get it $value = bin2hex($value); if($intel==1) $value = $this->intel2Moto($value); $v = fseek($seek,$globalOffset+hexdec($value)); //offsets are from TIFF header which is 12 bytes from the start of the file if($v==0) { $data = fread($seek, $bytesofdata); } else if($v==-1) { $result['Errors'] = $result['Errors']++; } } //Format the data depending on the type and tag $formated_data = $this->formatData($type,$tag,$intel,$data); $result[$ifd_name][$tag_name] = $formated_data; } //================================================================================================ //================================================================================================ // Pass in a file and this reads the EXIF data // // Usefull resources // // // //================================================================================================ //================================================================================================ function read_exif_data_raw($path,$verbose) { if($path=='' or $path=='none') return; $in = fopen($path, "rb"); //the b is for windows machines to open in binary mode $seek = fopen($path, "rb"); //There may be an elegant way to do this with one file handle. $globalOffset = 0; if(!isset($verbose)) $verbose=0; $result['VerboseOutput'] = $verbose; $result['Errors'] = 0; //First 2 bytes of JPEG are 0xFFD8 $data = bin2hex(fread( $in, 2 )); if($data=="ffd8") { $result['ValidJpeg'] = 1; } else { $result['ValidJpeg'] = 0; fclose($in); fclose($seek); return $result; } //Next 2 bytes are MARKER tag (0xFFE#) $data = bin2hex(fread( $in, 2 )); if($data=="ffe0") { $result['ValidJFIFData'] = 1; $size = bin2hex(fread( $in, 2 )); $result['JFIF']['Size'] = hexdec($size); $ident = fread( $in, 5 ); $result['JFIF']['Identifier'] = $ident; $code = fread( $in, 1 ); $result['JFIF']['ExtensionCode'] = bin2hex($code); $data = fread( $in, hexdec($size)-8 ); $result['JFIF']['Data'] = $data; $globalOffset+=hexdec($size)+2; $data = bin2hex(fread( $in, 2 )); } else { $result['ValidJFIFData'] = 0; } if($data=="ffe1") { $result['ValidEXIFData'] = 1; } else { $result['ValidEXIFData'] = 0; fclose($in); fclose($seek); return $result; } //Size of APP1 $size = bin2hex(fread( $in, 2 )); $result['APP1Size'] = hexdec($size); //Start of APP1 block starts with "Exif" header (6 bytes) $header = fread( $in, 6 ); //Then theres a TIFF header with 2 bytes of endieness (II or MM) $header = fread( $in, 2 ); if($header==="II") { $intel=1; $result['Endien'] = "Intel"; } else if($header==="MM") { $intel=0; $result['Endien'] = "Motorola"; } //2 bytes of 0x002a $tag = bin2hex(fread( $in, 2 )); //Then 4 bytes of offset to IFD0 (usually 8 which includes all 8 bytes of TIFF header) $offset = bin2hex(fread( $in, 4 )); if($intel==1) $offset = $this->intel2Moto($offset); if(hexdec($offset)>8) $unknown = fread( $in, hexdec($offset)-8); //fixed this bug in 1.3 //add 12 to the offset to account for TIFF header $globalOffset+=12; //===========================================================Start of IFD0 $num = bin2hex(fread( $in, 2 )); if($intel==1) $num = $this->intel2Moto($num); $result['IFD0NumTags'] = hexdec($num); for($i=0;$iread_entry($result,$in,$seek,$intel,"IFD0",$globalOffset); } //store offset to IFD1 $offset = bin2hex(fread( $in, 4 )); if($intel==1) $offset = $this->intel2Moto($offset); $result['IFD1Offset'] = hexdec($offset); //Check for SubIFD if(!isset($result['IFD0']['ExifOffset']) || $result['IFD0']['ExifOffset']==0) { fclose($in); fclose($seek); return $result; } //seek to SubIFD (Value of ExifOffset tag) above. $ExitOffset = $result['IFD0']['ExifOffset']; $v = fseek($in,$globalOffset+$ExitOffset); if($v==-1) { $result['Errors'] = $result['Errors']++; } //===========================================================Start of SubIFD $num = bin2hex(fread( $in, 2 )); if($intel==1) $num = $this->intel2Moto($num); $result['SubIFDNumTags'] = hexdec($num); for($i=0;$iread_entry($result,$in,$seek,$intel,"SubIFD",$globalOffset); } fclose($in); fclose($seek); return $result; } } ?>