Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Call for names

Hmm… I’ve decided to make use of the commenting system, both because I can, and because it’s genuinely something useful in this instance. Yep, that’s right — “KLICKING DA BUTTN!” has useful applications! Just, err, remember to type a message first, okay? Good. If you don’t, then not much happens…

So, this “call for names” isn’t about conscription or anything. I don’t want YOUR names… well… I do want your name, if you’ve got a cool name or something. No, I’m just hopeless at deciding on names of any kind, and I’m meant to be writing this short story thingamajig for English. I’m needing at least two names — one which sounds überly evil, and another which is that of a victim — who becomes evil by the actions of the überly evil one. Get all that?

So, two names — a really evil one, and a moderately normal (but preferably obscure, because obscure names are cool) name… yeah. See, I wasn’t wasting my time developing a commenting system! It has genuine applications in the field of… err… name harvesting?

Why do I sound like a spammer…