Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Tree-lopping goodness!

Wooooooo!!!!  My HP is working again *grins* <— see, I’m happy.

Albeit only in black and white – that, however, is no fault of mine, so all is good.  Currently looking into exactly what is the cause of that problem (something hardwareish – heh… I almost said layer 1… doh, I’m a geek.)  I didn’t manage to work miracles with the parallel, though – ye good ole USB cable was retrieved from the depths of a briefcase, so that’s (fortunately) what I’m using.

Scanning is working great, xsane preserving sanity… I hadn’t used it before, for a first experience, it was great.  Kinda antiquated interface, but still, it was usable, and worked without a glitch to be spoken of.  I’m happy.

Back to chopping down trees, I suppose…