Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


A fruitful day of underachievement

Whilst I got absolutely no work done today (this is becoming a pattern on weekends – I need to do something about it.  If anyone sees me around on a weekend, belt me over the head with the nearest piece of furniture and tell me to start doing some work!), I did do some other stuff.

Like develop about three new styles for this website, two of which were scrapped, and one which will now load at random on the front page (n.b. if you’ve clicked a link already, the style has locked on to you – this is so it doesn’t change every page load and annoy the crap out of you, and people paying the bandwidth bills ;) – if you want to try and randomly load the other style, simply access this website via the address you normally come by (that is, or and press F5 until you see something different ;) ), in addition to the original style of this website.

I just realised it’s not today anymore.  Doh.  Ah well.  In other news, there is now a link you may notice in the linkbar at the top of the page to an area named “My Ramblings”.

That is where all the fun stuff goes.  Everything that is too random, or too undeserving of a post of its own, gets dumped there.  It’s a highly volatile area, at least, that’s what I’m planning – I don’t know if I’ll simply overwrite old content, or just add bits to the section as I go – the latter is a recipe for a huge page load, so I’ll probably just end up overwriting things.  It will possibly make for interesting reading, if all the geek stuff I rant about in the general course of the day bores you – that said, of course some of the stuff in there will be geek-centric.  I am a geek, enough said.

So yes.  Two (main) new features, that are visible to the outside world.  A few CMS-side tweaks and improvements (documentation still needs work, eep!  I really should be adding to docs as I add functionality.  I need a week off school to get on top of everything, I think.), although nothing major.  Little, niggly things, which will be visible when I use them, and are features that I’ve been wanting for a few weeks now – so chances are they’ll get used pretty soon.

That is all I can think of at this time of day – late nights (well, late nights at the computer) aren’t something I’m accustomed to, so forgive me if this is less coherent than usual…

Oh, my printer just made a random purring noise.  I think it’s trying to scare the dog away.

Oh, crap – wrong area… *wanders off to ramblings*