Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Dodgy Brazilian boombox…

Heh.  I want one.  It’s in whatever language they speak in Brazil, but pictures know no language – a very cool mod.

If anyone speaks… Brazilian? post a comment and let me know what it says ;)  I could ‘fish it, but I’m at school, and certain proxies won’t let me access Googles’ translator (or Babelfish, or anything else, for that matter) – that, and I don’t trust them with the task of producing anything cohesive.

Judging from this:

Foi utilizado um Tablet PC Fujitsu Stylistic 1200 em um Boombox Hitachi TRK-8200HR, rodando Windows 98, com placa de rede e webcam embutidos.

I think that means it’s running on a Tablet PC, running ’98 (wt? As if you wouldn’t run the OS that came with!), inside an old Hitachi boombox thing.

And then there was something about a webcam…

I don’t speak Brazilian.  Does it show?