Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


End of term

Yay.  Man I am so up for holidays… right now I can’t see them lasting long enough!!  I spent the last two and a bit days doing a whole lot of not very much, between Showcase Concert (which was fairly average, apparently levering on cute-factor rather than professionalism or quality to draw an audience) and a development session for the best part of today… and avoiding Galah Day in the process.

Ooops.  ;)

So that was interesting.  And astoundingly unproductive, but hey, I don’t really care!  Completely over attending classes and/or school stuff anyway (showcase doesn’t count as school stuff, just for the record ;) ), at this end of the term.  Especially when half the school isn’t in classes either, hehe.  Peer pressure and all that. :p

In other exciting news, Tori’s website is finally live over @  Not a whole lot there yet, but at least it’s finally public, so perhaps updates will start pouring onto the website for the entertainment of the ConnectedMasses™!!  Hehe.  “w00t” ;)  Should I append ™ to that also?

Woooooo holidays!!!  The Edge camp is happening this weekend, which is going to be very cool I hope… theme of the year is PIRATES!  I’m assured people are bringing cameras, so photos will most probably be published on Ben’s website sometime.  To all who aren’t going/can’t go, gonna miss you!

Back in a few days, possibly sooner if I try and do something stupid like update this page via WAP.  I don’t think it’d work, because I use cookies for sessions management, so unless my phone supports cookies I can’t login to my CMS panel.  It might, it might…  but it’s probably not worth the effort to type with a phone keypad, let alone the cost ;)