Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Statistics and a gimmick

The two are completely unrelated, don’t worry ;)

The gimmick?  It is a fishtank which is USB powered, from ELX.  Yeah.  And you thought the mug warmer was bad.

And the statistics?  Well, it’s the end of the first month this website has been fully functional – so semi-valid numbers for once ;)

Unique visitors: 203
Number of visits: 366 (1.8 visits/visitor)
Pages: 7183 (19.62 pages/visit)
Hits: 11009 (30.07 hits/visit)

Somewhat unsuprisingly, the day with the highest number of hits co-incided with the day after Whirlpool heard about iiCommunity – traffic wasn’t sustained, though – it dropped down to normal levels the day after that.

Hits, by Operating System that they came from:
Windows: 55.2 %
Linux: 42.7 %
Macintosh: 1.3 %

And by web browser:
Mozilla: 59.8 %
Some Flavour of Internet Explorer: 33.4 %
Opera: 2.9 %
and Netscape, coming in at a lowly 1.4%.

What other interesting stats are there?  Umm… Okay.  The day of the highest bandwidth usage co-incided with the release of the first draft of my Imaginative Composition – hehe, but it wasn’t that huge – chances are it was the public release of multiple-styles on that same day which was responsible for drumming up the traffic ;)

Ah well.  Next challenge: get some real content, get PageRank listings, sustain hits for the next month!  Hehe.  I have two weeks of holidays left in which to do various stuff, so perhaps I’ll squeeze in some coding time for this website.

It’s not holding the same interest anymore, though.  I mean… I enjoy it, in the problem-solving sense.  But only when a problem is defined and there are clear expectations and outcomes, not when I’m just randomly adding features to my website.

So, to define a need – some kind of file-storage thing!  Because people ask to see originals of various documents (e.g. that short story “Blurred Reality”), and it’s easier to preserve formatting and other such things in PDF’s than it is just copying text into a webform!  Well, that is one thing I want to work on.

What do other people think?  What else does this site need?  The document organisation thing would essesntially fulfil the waiting “Projects” sections purpose, so don’t say that.

I think something to show the most recent comments (ala Platform 7 front page) would be useful, although my design is too narrow to do that well… perhaps another redesign?

Use the comments thing, tell me what sucks most about this site, or is missing, or whatever!