Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Sexy LCD goodness!

Yeah!  Brrraaaaaaand new BenQ 19” LCD just arrived, and it’s kickin’.

Model number is FP992, and it’s pretty funky.  Aside from being just plain HUUUUUUUGE, it also displays Stuff™, which is always desirable in a monitor.  Further, it’s the heaviest damn LCD screen I’ve ever had to deal with.  And it does portrait mode, which is always interesting.  Haven’t had a chance to play with that properly, yet.  On the to-do list.

Oh, yeah, and it works sexily with our DVD player (which has VGA output), after a spot of hacking (yeah, go figure – less than 3 hours out of the box, and already it’s being hacked with!).

This evening has been throughly unproductive, I’m glad to say.  Eye-candy for the masses!