Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


The Labtec followup

Certain comments made previously are today being retracted.

This thing is damn cool.  It’s still perfectly useless, but at least it’s no-longer useless and mediocre!  Now, it’s possible that other lit-up mouses do this (I wouldn’t know, having never slept/been in dark places with Optical mouses and turned-off computers), but I’m impressed at the sheer trippyness of this product.

IT KEEPS GLOWING EVEN WHEN THE COMPUTER IS TURNED OFF!  How insanely cool is that?!?!  I’m so glad I don’t sleep in line of sight with my work area, because this thing would enhance insomnia no end!

1:00 – entrancing red glow continues
2:00 – entrancing red glow continues
3:00 – entrancing red glow continues
4:00 – entrancing red glow continues
5:00 – entrancing red glow continues
6:00 – The rising sun begins to distract Josh, as does the harsh sound of the alarm clock on his phone.  Realising that hours have been spent gazing upon this warm glowy red object, he falls into a restless sleep for 45 minutes, before waking up more tired than he went to sleep, and continuing with the daily routine.

Phwoar.  Respect for Labtec just increased back to normal levels again.  The whole “with light” actually means that… it’s not a bid to make people think “optical”, afterall!  In fact, I’d say they’ve done the underpromise, overdeliver trick… there is NO mention of glowy artifacts when computers are turned off on the packaging!

Possibly because this depends on the motherboard’s handling of the PS/2 port power management, but let’s not get technical… bottom line is, I have a cool mouse, and it was free.