Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Audio adapters rock

I bought a new 3.5mm to 1/4” adapter yesterday, because the old one had been abused to the extent that it wasn’t listenable if I were to move the cable on my headphones at all… a problem for music where headbanging is a requirement!

Yeaaah.  Anyway.  As you’d probably guessed from the title, I’m liking this new thing.  There are so many potential points of failure in my audio setup at the minute, but it seems like (at least on this line) that was the only thing wrong with it.  So bad were the connections, in fact, that it was actually increasing impedence across the circuit to a noticable extent (audibly, even when the connector was “working”).  And this one does stereo without dropping out, so that’s nice.

I have no idea what I did to that last adapter, but it was seriously dead.  It’s been relegated to my in-tray, which sits about 15cm high at the minute (no, not joking).  That of course means that I’ll likely never see it again, as I haven’t scheduled myself a reminder to dispose of it.

Annnnd the modern essay is finished, for those who hadn’t guessed.  I’m not happy with it, but screw it.  Left another assessment too late.  The only one of this batch I theoretically haven’t screwed up was one which required no study and was a gift.  Haha, the irony is, I dropped that subject ;)  I’m told I went well, but the rumour is yet to be confirmed with official sources, and I don’t care to myself, so thinking I got 28/30 is good enough for me.  Those two marks are going to nag me, though…

No, I still have no idea what the maths test I may or may not be sitting tomorrow is.  I think I am throughly screwed.  I have first period in studyhall to work it out.