Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


5 Reasons: Better than assembly

In no particular order, five reasons why here is better than an assembly at SACS

  • I have chocolate here. In assembly, they object to the consumption of foodstuffs generally.
  • I have music. Playing over moderately nice Pioneer ‘phones, instead of the crappy Bose setup in the Cathedral.(1)
  • Whilst on the subject of music, especially music with headphones (which, incidentally, also aren’t permitted in assembly), I can sing/dance/beatbox along to whatever I want without attracting strange looks here. Help the poor souls I end up in the same workplace as…
  • I can blog from here, and I couldn’t there. Maybe that’s why you’ll never see a “10 reasons why assembly is better than x” post here?
  • My heater is warm. Cavernous sandstone places are not.

5, my desk. 0, a typical SACS assembly. Not that I’m biased or anything.


1. Note: I very much doubt the equipment in use is crappy. The setup, however, is decidedly poor. Don’t believe me? Go into that space whenever there is next a performance which uses the A/V fitout in there, and sit in the center, or in the western gallery.