Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Guys cooking

Ah, we didn’t do so badly… all went moderately well, and no-one got food poisoning so far as I know! Hehehe. We went with the moderately safe gourmet pizza — there was effort involved, we made everything from the base up, literally!

That said, we ran out of dough by the end of it, so a quick trip was made down to Coles to buy some dodgy el-cheapo bases… everyone was pretty much stuffed full by this time, anyway, so it didn’t matter much — we ended up eating mostly from these bases, but all the girls got fed the good stuff, which was the aim of the evening so all was good. ;-)

It was Rachael’s birthday, so desert was something of a no-brainer: a fairly safe mud-cake was bought from a cake shop, and Matt Pettett brought a pavlova he’d made earlier. I think it all went down fairly well, although I wasn’t feeling that hungry by that point. I have no idea why, I’d only eaten one slice of pizza, but apparently being around that much food makes you less hungry, or something. The air was pretty thick, perhaps that was edible enough.

We didn’t even over-cater by much! About thirty to fourty people were fed, and we only had enough slices for one pizza left over at the end, which was sweet… apparently Pete Campbell was going to eat it for breakfast, although this rumour has yet to be substantiated.

It was a pretty good turn out, which we like to attribute to the fact that everyone knew it was going to be excellent food, although the reality is probably something more like “Wow, guys are cooking?! Hahaha, I have to see this!” — not that I’d ever be so cynical as to suggest it, of course.