Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Rapidfire – Firefox’s World Domination campaign!

Okay, so that was a lie… it’s not actually called “Rapidfire”. I think that’s a cool name, though, so they should. *nods* Really!

Basically, they’ve got a huge amount of unused net transfers remaining with their webhost, and are trying to make full use of it before the end of the month. Yeah, that was a lie, too. Damn, you’re good.

The bottom line is, Firefox 1.0 PR (not the pre-PR release which Asa was shouting about on the mozilla-announce mailing list a few days back) has been released, and the world is being encouraged to clamber and grab it. So much so that I’ve heard this same thing from three independent sources as I turned on my computer this morning — hey, that’s a good thing, I suppose.

Go get it, visit Spread Firefox now!

As previously pimped on the WSG mailing list, Dale’s Blog, and Photo Matt.