Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Print CSS styles

A friend needed a copy of an order form yesterday, so I scanned it all in, and couldn’t be bothered to PDF it. Actually, that’s not quite true. I had an itching to play with some code, so it was scratched in a way that PDF’ing wouldn’t have managed. ;-)

It’s basically just five scanned pages presented in a horizontal aspect, allowing you to scroll page-to-page as would occur on real paper, yet, by the use of the print styles I’d setup, it allows the page to be printed in a normal manner (i.e. images aren’t getting cut in half because they go off horizontally!). I’ve done a spot of work with Print stylesheets before, but this is the first exciting and relevant application I’ve had for it. There’s also a moderately workable print media stylesheet on this blog, if anyone felt so inclined.

I can’t recall if that was something which shipped with WordPress, or whether I customised it based off another website… I recall tinkering with it, but that’s about all.

If you’ve got a spare moment, click over to here and “Print Preview”. Unless you’re running Netscape 4 or something equally stupid, it should work okay… comment and let me know how it is.