Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Killer photography

I just stumbled upon Andy Budd’s Travel Photography website, and it’s incredible, both in terms of presentation and photography/content itself.

Next time I’ve got a free hour or four somewhere with a Flash install (Steve?), I want to see if I can figure out a way to automate the cool presentation style he’s got happening over there, using Flash/ActionScript or something… of course, my photography is garbage compared to his work, but hey! I’m hoping something will crop up so that I can justify spending time on such a project… I can think of a few immediate applications off the top of my head, but it’s pretty unnecessary, if very cool. We shall see.

On a standards-related aside, the folks over at Web Standards Group have been clawing at each others throats for the last few days, regarding the best way to implement Flash in a standards compliant manner with XHTML. Umm. Okay, whatever. The answer, as best as I’ve understood it, is simply to revert to HTML 4.01, or just to get over it. I throughly agree with David McKinnon’s response on the issue, which I’ve reproduced in part here:

This may sound like heresy in this list, but the goal of using Web standards
is not to get your site to validate. (Wait, put down that pitchfork!) The
way I see it people, is that it’s all about people. The goal is to make it
better for people. Better for viewers, who don’t get things looking like
krud because they choose the ‘wrong’ browser or platform. Better for people
with special needs. Better for people who build and maintain the site and
better for the people who will redesign the site when it comes to that.
Then, when the forces of good rise up to crush the forces of tyranny all
people will live in…

Er… sorry, got a bit carried away there…
Anyway it may just be better to use the flash default code because it works
even if it doesn’t validate.
