Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Non-techie stuff

Just to make me feel better about content balance on this website before I go to sleep.

How cool are dogs? I finally met Tuffy “The Man” Holloway today, Sam’s little dog, and one of the few I know which has a website dedicated to it. He is such an attention seeker! Very cute, though… also very fluffy. My dog, Dumbledore, currently has a short haircut, which I think I prefer… he stays clean, and doesn’t smell as bad!

The other cool thing about dogs is that even when they do bite you playfully, it doesn’t hurt… and, if it does, then at least they realise you’re in pain! Tori’s cat isn’t too good like that… aptly named “Psycho”, she (? I think it’s a she…) was hanging off my leg the other day, in between attempting to consume my hand. You can tell they’re related to tigers, which, incidentally, eat an average of 18 kilograms of meat a night… how insane is THAT?