Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.



At some time around 11 last night, the enormity of this horrific thing hit me. Not so much the packing side — that’s okay, I can deal with that; enough of my life is already existing in boxes for it to be no huge difference (that said, I think I have an assessment or two the week we’re moving, so that will be fun…). I’m more worried about continuity of life in general.

Despite what too many geeks would tell you, there is life beyond the Internet. My physical address is just as important to me as other addresses, although certainly less often visited. Having said that, the circumstances which brought me to worry about such things can be attributed to geek effects, specifically, my ownership of domain names. Bugger.

Does that make me as sad as I thought it did but moments after? Screw the bank, my school, friends and whoever else has my address! What about my Whois records!?

This’d be easier to resolve if I knew where I’m moving to in however many weeks time it is now — my present nightmare isn’t living in a Self-Storage facility (heh, taking the “Self” part of “Self-Storage” a little too literally, perhaps), but rather having to temporarily receive mail at such a location! What do I do? Is it easier just to hope that I don’t get any correspondence of substance for a few weeks in limbo, and leave a forwarding address, hoping nothing too urgent arrives? Or should I send people “DON’T SEND ME MAIL!!!” messages for the week preceding the great traversal to the as-yet-undefined new place of residence?

Perhaps I should leave a scanner behind, and request the new owners email letters to me. Hmm. The geek options are always the most appealing…