Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Traffic summary

For the first time in a while, thought I’d update the masses on what’s been happening with the traffic situation in this part of the world recently.

On the sixteenth of this month, I launched a new photography section on this website. Clearly, this has potential to do crazy things with bandwidth usage, and, to an extent, it did.

Raw numbers. The month before last (September), I used 173.25MB of bandwidth. Whilst October may be one day longer, that alone doesn’t account for the difference in bandwidth usage: I used 327.00 MB this month, up 153.75MB from the previous month — nearly doubling transfers. Meanwhile, the total number of pages served fell, from 21,831 to 19,731 — this isn’t indicative of a fall in visits, however, with an increase from 459 to 583 unique visitors in this same period. Speaking of hits (which I put little weight on), there was a slight increase from 32740 to 36006.

Whilst I don’t have reliable browser statistics for both September and October, there appears to be little change overall — both Firefox and Internet Explorer demonstrate increases between the two months, however the stats package wasn’t properly configured to detect Firefox as Firefox for most of September, so those numbers are far from reliable.

Overall Windows traffic has increased around 10%, which basically means I’m visiting this website less (or, more to the point, that others are visiting it more): to the best of my knowledge, none of “the regulars” run Linux on the desktop.

Search engine referrals are up from 37 hits from Google in September to a (comparatively) enormous 201 hits in October over the same period. Right up there are keywords such as “Skype” and “Freetel” — especially Freetel. That one seems to have attracted some interest, if not in posted comments, then in personal email/contact form communications.

Since switching this website over to WordPress in early September/late August, I’ve increased the number of monthly visits six fold (approximately), and my bandwidth usage by about four. There you have it: WordPress increases your visitors! Hehehehe. It’s conclusive…

Oh, and whoever is continuing to visit this website by the old or addresses (which I shall NOT link), please wake up and start using my domain name, Thankyou. Referrals from an external page which is my own are starting to irritate me.

In the first seventeen hours of this month, I’ve attracted 8 hits from search engines so far: yes, Freetel was at least one of the search terms.