Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Assessments done!

I just fired off my last assessment to the HP LaserJet 2100 downstairs. It’s the first assessment I’ve written… for a long, long time, that’s under 1000 words. Yes, it’s for ITF, the least academically taxing of all my subjects, Business Studies included. Sigh.

That’s what happens when something is marked as “Competent/Not Competent”. The notification informed me I was supposed to get the whole stupid thing bound at Kinko’s,

… so that it actually looks like an installation manual.

Oh, it’s supposed to actually look like an installation manual, hey? I’ll pass the document through Babelfish a few dozen times, and then the language will closer resemble a “real” installation manual. Grrrr.

Needless to say, I grabbed my favorite stapler and jumped on it for a while. It’s not “professionally bound”, sorry. That’s what you get when there aren’t actually explicit assessment criteria outlined — students who don’t really care what they hand in, because showing they “know stuff” is enough to get graded as “competent”. That was worth 20% of my internal assessment for the year, just for the record.