Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Bright Copper Kettles, and Warm Woolen Mittens…

I Love:

  1. Hugs!
  2. Everything just working.
  3. Being surrounded by people I trust and get on with really well.
  4. Sporadic bursts of intense creativity (even if they’re really rare!)
  5. That feeling when you wake up in bed and it’s just warm and comfortable and you don’t want to move.
  6. Communication. It makes me feel popular.
  7. New toys!
  8. Making people smile.
  9. Potentially obscure but excellent films, productions, arts, everything.
  10. The smell and feel of (some people’s) hair.

I Hate:

  1. Days when everything falls apart.
  2. General creative block.
  3. Futility, regardless as to context or quantity.
  4. Seafood.
  5. Not being able to say things I’m thinking (or feeling like I can’t…)
  6. Whenever my handwriting sucks.
  7. Stuff that breaks hours out of warranty periods.
  8. Having to wish I were somewhere else, ever.
  9. Dissent.
  10. Reasoning based on fallacy when logical argument is required to justify something.

Comments are disabled for this post, because this isn’t really meant to be discussed – it’s just me. Track/pingbacks are open, and people are most welcome to do the same thing on their blogs – just pick 10 things you love, and 10 things you hate. Kind of like one of those trashy email quiz things, but shorter, more flexible, and requiring a little more thought.

Inspired by Tori