Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Statistics for April

This month past has regrettably been one in which I haven’t spent enough time creating content, although March was fairly good, but the traffic didn’t really falter for it.

Unique: 2091
Visits: 4281
Pages: 14158
Hits: 44419
Bandwidth: 484.76 MB

Unique impressions are up by over 600 from last month, suggesting increased driven traffic (from external sites, search engines, etc., which accounted for 13.1% of total traffic, as opposed to incidental traffic – that is, regular visitors, syndication, etc.). Bandwidth is slightly up on March, exceeding 500MB if non-viewed statistics are included (there was 192.48 MB of non-viewed traffic, which means search engine spidering as well as certain syndication services I think), which is getting fairly sizeable I think, especially compared to last year’s statistics for this month (which aren’t really valid, because there was a holder page up then, but it’s fun to point out) — 2.38MB of traffic and 30 unique visitors!

The most popular post on this website remains the original DashLite announcement, although the updated version doesn’t really get a look in… which is okay, because it was released more out of social responsibility than any new need, and people can choose for themselves what they want.

See also:
February 2005 statistics
September/October 2004 statistics
June 2004 statistics