Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


data: URIs

I stumbled across this post – from about three years ago – today, and thought it was incredibly cool. Note that the background on the second layer in is similarly encoded… nifty beyond.

Via Anne’s weblog in a roundabout kind of way.

Absolutely no idea if any of that works in Internet Explorer… if you’re an IE person and it works/doesn’t work, it’d be great to see a comment…

On an unrelated note, lack of posting over this last week has been due to a Crusaders-run study camp at… somewhere without Internet access… Galston-ish. If nothing else, it was good for the habit/schedule of study and talks throughout the week!

Regular programming shall return shortly… although possibly not until after Trial exams in a month or so.