Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


The Mattias Factor

It didn’t have the SMS voting, vision mixing and live replays output to multiple displays, or driving around in the small hours of the morning that followed, but it was fun nonetheless. Yeah, just another talent quest thing ;)

And yes, the name is a typo, again one that stuck. That kind of thing seems to happen a lot. *Josh glances at domain name, then at Katy*

Ellen holds up an 8 and a half score card

I took some video with my little digital Pentax Optio that I quickly cut together tonight and then uploaded it to Ourmedia (hey, it worked once, why not again?). Vaguely amusing stuff, even if the quality isn’t technically great: hey, I shot it on a still camera and edited it in Windows Movie Maker because it’s quick and easy and free(-as-in-beer), so purists and professionals can shut up already!

For obvious reasons, that means it’s only available in Windows media format for the minute. You can download the short clip (all of 1 minute 41 seconds) from Ourmedia. (roughly 4.6MB)