Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Atom 1.0 photo feed

I figured I’d go with Atom when creating an app to extract photo feeds for the gallery here, because it’s touted as the next best thing since sliced bread. It’s not. Maybe that’s just coz I’m overtired and have spent too long staring at Feed Validator, but probably not. What the hell is with a limitation on the number of times you can have the same value on an update date? Maybe I posted multiple things at once! Or had scheduled posts. Whatever. Either way, a limit of two on this is ridiculous and… seemingly completely superfluous.

As is the requirement to have a <content> element in the feed. For this gallery feed, that really isn’t neccessary. I conceded that point, but am now regretting it: this means I am now bound to introduce a feature I really don’t want in the future! Note to self: next time a validator comes along, abscond. (Mmm… scones…)

On the record, right now: I know the feed is invalid, and I don’t give a crap. I haven’t even tested it in a feed reader yet: my eyes are doing all the parsing right now. You can check it out at — thus named because of Atom and cat-scan. More bugs presently exist than I care to name, or even think about, but my neck feels like I’ve been sitting at this computer for about a day (it’s been a few hours…), and I really need sleep. Will resolve later, in the meantime… add that feed (application/atom+xml) to your feed reader at your own risk. It’s highly likely to break stuff.

I’ll also setup mod_rewrite rules sometime so it looks like a real feed. Sometime…