Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


The Revue: Steal my Kisses/Textual Healing English spoof

I’ve cut a one-act (Bec and Nick’s take on the English Advanced course) bit of The Revue and compressed it into a digestible chunk, and have published it on OurMedia.

Get the dialup-happy version here (it’s 5MB or something), or [25MB decent quality version coming, if it ever uploads. Their site sucks. Watch this space.] See this update for more.

OurMedia is terrible to use aside from the whole free bandwidth and storage thing. I honestly don’t mind supplying ridiculous amounts of metadata, but its interface is absolutely painful — and, to make things worse, if I do as they recommend and use their crappy “OurMedia Publisher Tool” (it sucks, don’t use it unless someone has a gun to your head, and think twice even then… the gun to your head may have nothing to do with OurMedia!), I can enter all the metadata I want in its “helpful” wizards, and none of it will make it through to the actual site. Thanks guys. I’m now uploading a higher resolution version again via HTTP, because… yeah, you guessed it, the Publisher tool crashed.

There must be something about that name and crappy software. Microsoft’s product was (I haven’t used it for years) far more stable, but equally pathetic.

I’m thinking about switching across to Google Video instead, but am reluctant to because it locks data in a little bit more… so, we’ll see.

Okay, I got sick of trying to publish it for free… so it’s going up on the same server hosting the site (appropriate, niet?). Audio is a little cleaner in the WMV version… but if you want near-source quality instead, get the DVD. Here’s the broadband version. If someone feels like contributing captions, be my guest.