Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


My HSC has ended

If you’re reading this (e.g. the world didn’t end before it was posted or whatever…), I’m probably on the Other Side of the HSC. For various reasons, this might be the last post before I go to New Zealand, in which case don’t expect another post for three weeks. I’m going to delete everything in my moderation queue when I get back, because I don’t have enough time to go through all the spam that will probably accumulate (or, am not planning on having enough time… I might, if the spammers are nice for three weeks.) — this won’t impact most regulars, though, whose posts should get through just fine. Ah, I love software that just works. I can see it’s not likely to, though!

Tori is leaving for Europe tomorrow (tomorrow when this post goes live), and she’s not getting back til January :-( Hence the improbabilty of my posting at least in the next 48 hours, and possibly before I leave if it takes me longer than expected to pack/get organised.

I also may or may not have a heap of photos to post when I get back. We leave in… a handful of days now, and I still haven’t decided which/how many cameras I’m taking, nor have I bought film. Bleh!