Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Calling cards rock

Far out. I didn’t realise how cheap these things were: Voice over IP has nothing on calling cards.

I just called Tori in HK for about 30 minutes and it’s like… ~1.5c/minute. That’s 45c, which is nearly as cheap as a local call from a payphone here in Australia. Sure, there’s the cost of a local call to connect to the calling card service — let’s say ~20c, but still… wow. The cheapest VoIP rates here for the same service are still like 5c/minute or thereabouts.

Good stuff!

Also good stuff is the reason I was calling (well, at least part of)… Tori was in the SMH for getting Band 6 in every unit (along with Louis Garrick and Angus Thompson from SACS)!