Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Screen resolutions: Any excuse

So I just checked the screen resolution stats here, and discovered that 800×600 users are nearly extinct. Hooray!

November was 10.1%, December was 9.1%, and this month it’s under 0.8% (though, admittedly, we’re only 9 days in so usage is a narrower sample).

Can’t wait for the next re-design! ;-) Ironically, my bandwidth utilisation seems to have gone upwards since switching to a less graphically-intensive layout. Ah well. We’ll see what happens if/when I get around to designing a new site (and switching to WordPress 2.x, and bothering to actually redesign my gallery this time, and switching my public gallery to cat-scan 1.0! The last item will happen probably in the next 24 hours I imagine.)