Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Don’t do this on a large site

This post is actually something I meant to say last week, but forgot.

So I’ll say it now: Loading JavaScript on a prominent page that builds a link to a non-existent resource is a BadThing. Think ridiculous numbers of 404 errors and partially-defeated statistics tracking! Having said that, I managed to manual work out JS/no-JS support to be even lower than it is on this site — it’s 1.5% non-JS here — which is impressively (pleasingly) low!

AWstats is fun to run on many-gigabyte logfiles… just not multiple times once you’ve realised “Oh, I screwed up and no amount of grepping can save me now!” (First time I’ve absolutely required my dual-boot Ubuntu/XP install at work… because it’s lots easier to watch load on a computer you’re physically on rather than by SSH, and because multiple-GB-logfiles aren’t fun to transfer across networks!)