Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Em’s 18th

EmToo tired for writing but feel like I should post something, so photos will have to do :-)

(Even though Kim will probably post better photos on Flickr in the next day or two!)


Bad Karaoke… (note Matt Harris in background ;-))

Obligatory crowd shot…
Guy, Tim, Verdo, Robin, ??, Kim, Alex

More Karaoke…

Balloons! (Photos aren’t good for conveying the influence of helium ;-))
Helium balloons

Some sibling of Em’s whose name eludes me (and cake). He was hilarious in a way that only small kids can be!
Cake foreground, surprised-looking kid background

Cake (I didn’t like cupboards in the background, so this photo got a bit butchered in editing. Meh!)…
Cake, the important stuff

It was a really good night… the karaoke definitely made it! Happy birthday Em!