Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


3GB/month broken

Well, turns out last month’s HTTP bandwidth usage wound up at around 3.75GB. Coolness. It recently occurred to me that I don’t particularly have any “Slashdot-me” ambitions for this blog at present, but it’s still fun watching the numbers increase every month for no apparent reason! Except, perhaps, ‘the plebs’ catching up with my occasional open-source trendiness ;-) Or something… probably more of the ‘something’. Heh.

120,000 hits and nearly 7,500 unique visitors to this site last month were served 56,000 pages by Dale’s metro FreeBSD server… heh, from one of the most serious-looking home server setups I know of. Still, ‘consumer-grade’ though it may be, it’s doing rather well! Technology is fun ;-)