Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Gem’s 18th prep

Costumes are ready. Boy are they ready. We went to a McDonalds wearing them on a whim just to see what the response would be (no alcohol was involved!).

Theme song is sorted. Over the top, perhaps, but why not? One of the perks to running A/V. Speaking of which, this is shaping up to be quite a lot of fun. I’ve recently acquired a couple of 1RU mixers for use here at home, Selo’s bringing his awesome-looking NAD amp and pre-amp (haven’t heard it yet) and some speakers, I’m taking my JVC and Acoustic Research monstrosities. Audio will be sufficiently loud.

We also have lots and lots of smoke and a handful of (cheesy, but infinitely more impressive in a room filled with fog) lights… but I’m hoping to get more if I can find anywhere OPEN tomorrow… I love a public holiday, but things should stay open, damn it. I am sufficiently indifferent about the ANZAC day thing in a broader context: marches are inane, and it is apparently one day of the year in which certain forms of gambling, etc., are decriminalised (for whatever reason) — it hardly promotes a positive culture of any kind. If we are to honour dead people there’s got to be a less pathetic way to do it then a bizarre combination of marches, alcohol and gambling.


Audio will be playing off various iPods (unavoidably so…), and various open-source software. Anyone who has done an event with me before knows I don’t travel particularly light in terms of the number of computers… but seeing as this is walking distance from home it may be an exception. Maybe ;-)

I still haven’t tracked down a mic yet, despite the indubitable usefulness of such contraptions. Similarly, a data projector eludes me, so no fun visualisations to be had projected through the air (courtesy of Dynebolic, I should think). Smoke + beams of light is awesome. No lasers. I’m hoping to get hold of a T-stand tomorrow so things will be off the ground and not rendered visually useless as people dance immediately in front of them, as is too often the case with parties where stuff has been setup at the last minute.

Anyway. Sleepy time. Probably will have lots of pictures (including full details of the elusive costumes) sometime in the next week… I’m going away this weekend, so hopefully before then!