Nearly there…
16 Nov 2006Wow I can’t wait until this time tomorrow. So much stuff to get done now this whole uni gig is over. Incidentally, one whole year out of the way, eh?
This next couple of weeks will be fun… shooting a short film Saturday, Katy’s birthday that evening, somehow bidding in an eBay auction on Sunday morning whilst at TACKLES (might need to delegate that one!) to pick up some cheap lighting bars, continuing shoot Sunday afternoon, then I’ll be at work all week to catch up on the time I’ve been out of action because of exams/assessments, etc., and chase up all kinds of exciting things that have been on hold (including SMS stuff, yay!) for a conference in early December.
Then, next Saturday, there’s the FEVA Promoting the Word through Text and Image conference, which is plenty exciting and all the cool kids will be there, so get along to it if you can (it’s cheap for a media conference or about average for a Christian conference — worth it either way!)
Wednesday week there’s a performance on at Matthias by the drama kids (it’s a thing we do for networking with kids and parents in the local area more than anything, but it’s run by the kids ministry people at our church.) that shouldn’t be too high stress (at least for me) but I’ll be off work for a day for, then the next evening web-blast06 is being put on by the fine folks from WIPA (I’m going courtesy of hearing about it through WSG, not part of the elite that forms that organisation at present ;-)) at the Old Fitzroy, which is a fun little pub (and theatre) in Woolloomooloo. Which is all fun and games but weirdly suspended between high-priced real estate and the dodge-the-syringes bits of Sydney… shrug.
After that, I’ll hopefully cruise steadily towards the end of the year (December 14 for me, pretty much, coz I’m away til Christmas and it’s basically the New Year after that), finding a programmer and hammering out a bit more stuff for the early early parts of 2007 when development will (God willing) kick off in earnest. Last web thing for the year for me is going to be Webjam on December 12 at Hotel CBD (right down the road from where I used to work, actually) which should be a great deal of fun. I was tempted to try and present something but figure I’m in such a state of permanent verbosity I’d find it hard to do anything useful with three minutes. So I’ll be there heckling in the crowd :-) Should be great fun. If you’re keen to come along to either web thing drop a comment after you’ve RSVP’d (web-blast is full already, but Webjam appears to be open still) and we can arrange to meet up beforehand or something.
But I can’t get any work done until this exam is over because it makes me feel too guilty about not studying. Sigh. Incidentally, reading a great book on Tennyson and Madness (if only it were Madness and Modernism, but perhaps they’re occasionally synonymous!) by Ann Colley.
Colley, Ann C. Tennyson and Madness. The University of Georgia Press. 1983. if you’re interested — got some great stuff on his Maud monodrama which is the reason it got borrowed in the first place!