Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Summer School 2007

Beautiful feet and footprints painted on a wall

Some bits of wisdom, mostly from Nathan Sandon, who was speaking at the Senior High (11-12) programme at Summer School ’07 this last week (I was leading, but that doesn’t mean I can’t comment!):

Christian life is:

  • Dropping beers to your mates
  • Sleeping further from the door
  • Squawking less
  • Flying more
  • Going to the ends of the earth in concentric circles
  • Trusting a trustworthy God
  • Picking up a Bible and trusting & learning from that firstmost & before what mere men have to say in churches, youth groups, bible studies, etc.
  • Recognising that if Christians need grace & a relationship with God through Christ for life, why would anyone else not need to hear that?
  • Using everything for Him. What are we holding back?
