Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Event shenanigans

People dancing with lights and video

Our video rig

Our video rig

Lots of particleIllusion emitters aided by use of a Wacom A5 (6×8) tablet that Tim brought to the party, a bit of Gephex processing, manual video loops, and hopefully the last MX-50 I will ever use (I love them to bits, but they’re very nearly redundant if these Gephex plans come to fruition).

In at 1630, out by 2245… if only all gigs were so expedient! We were just doing video, though, so it was fairly small. I managed to spend literally $100 on transport and parking ($50 parking and another $50 for a cab to return a hire) which is nothing short of obscene… one day there’ll be an event where I can actually make money (yeah, right :P)

Pretty excellent evening, congrats to Felix & the SACS guys for running it… even if you were using a horrible hire company with cheap and nasty Chinese lighting!