Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


RSS takes all the fun out of life

Well, it doesn’t really. In fact, RSS is great. (Even if Atom is better, but more people know what RSS is so I’m using that loosely for “feed”/syndication generally).

It’s mostly good because I never kept a list of favourite sites, and visiting/remembering to visit wherever totally takes up too much of my time/just doesn’t happen. It’s bad because some things don’t support RSS… but I don’t really read anything like that. The exception, of course, being LJ comment feeds which DON’T EXIST. It’s annoying how they can be so advanced/innovative with their OpenID stuff, etc., but so backwards in not providing what is (for every other blog service on the planet) par for the course. Actually, I lie. I think Blogger equally sucks in that regard, but whatever. They shouldn’t.

Having said all that, RSS takes away from the, erm, thrill of the chase. You can’t go looking at “just one more site” because they’re all defined in a list, and aggregated for you in one place! Terrible for procrastination. Ah well. Very little of that still required! (Until exams loom closer, that is).

Rainbow post-destruction

Rainbow across a yellow sky

(taken yesterday, late afternoon)

“Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.”

How great is God?

Barney’s on Broadway burnt to the ground yesterday, which must be so horrible for people who have memories associated with/in that building… but, despite that, it’s just a building. So thankful that everyone I’ve spoken to who goes there understands that. It’s so encouraging to see faith that is centered in God’s unchanging word + Jesus.

Thanks to God that his church will never be destroyed!

For those who are a part of Barney’s, know you’re in much prayer, especially at the minute.

Speech love/hate

I really enjoy writing things to be read aloud. I really don’t enjoy having to make them fit into time constraints. It’s different to normal essay writing because there’s always the temptation to just write more and try and say it faster. Or go really close to what you know the limit is going to be and hope you don’t stumble over too many words/need to pause for breath. Speaking itself is actually exciting. Slowly getting used to it. I think I actually almost like the sound of my own voice now, at least in my head (writing – I think in full sentences, apparently that’s not something everyone does. It’s why if I’m thinking aloud I have a tendancy to rephrase things a couple of times. And/or embarrass myself by arguing over the semantics of a word/reconstructing a sentence.). Invariably, things sound dumber when they’re actually spoken. Ah well.

Now is not a good time to spam my website

Four new spam messages every 3 minutes isn’t a good thing for me when trying to get more assessments done without having left enough time, especially as I can’t stand to see things stay in the mod queue. I would absolutely beat the crap out of whatever computer is running a job to send this stuff right about now. And probably the guy who scheduled the job, come to that. Grrr.

Die evil spammers!

How do you take your tea?

Not content with the usual methods of food-related procrastination, I bring you this question:

How do people who wear glasses all the time manage hot drinks? I’m not that blind, only wearing reading glasses for longish stints and/or when headaches exist on the verge of consciousness. However, when negotiating a cup of tea, I find it suddenly rather difficult to see:

Me, unable to see through the steam from my drink.