Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Criteria for choosing an offshore webhost

Consisting solely of the most BORING website possible. Flash animations and pictures of blinking servers are an automatic discriminator. Give me more mudanity (hence reliability + not template sites by myriad resellers), damn it!

Disable reading layout in MS Word

Arguably the bane of my existence (alongside JPEG logos and Home & Away DVD-cover design), Microsoft Word’s insistence on opening crap Outlook feeds it in reading-layout can in fact be disabled. There’s an Office Assistance article on how to do this.

I hate it because it effectively presumes no-one writes documents anymore. Undermining MS Office’s awesome collaboration features (I’m being serious), etc. Not that I ever write anything in MS Office myself, of course (except for proofing stuff other people send) — but still, it bugs me. Especially the way things wrap differently, copy differently, etc. Yuck.

Year 1, Semester 1 timetable

I think this table is nearly right. I parsed it manually with search+replace from tag-soup whilst rather tired…

My Uni timetable
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
10:00 ENGL1002 Tutorial
Weeks 2-13
Woolley Tut Rm N408
11:00 PHIL1011 Lecture
Weeks 1-13
Wallace Theatre
PHIL1011 Tutorial
Weeks 2-13
Ross St Tutorial Room
GRKA1001 Lecture
Weeks 1-13
Quad Room S241
12:00 GRKA1001 Lecture
Weeks 1-13
Quad Greek Room N293
GRKA1001 Lecture
Weeks 1-13
Quad Greek Room N293
CLCV1001 Lecture
Weeks 1-13
Quad Gen Lecture Th N205
1:00 GRKA1001 Tutorial
Weeks 2-13
Quad Greek Room N293
3:00 CLCV1001 Tutorial
Weeks 2-13
Quad Room S422
PHIL1011 Lecture
Weeks 1-13
Carslaw Lect Theatre 157
4:00 CLCV1001 Lecture
Weeks 1-13
Quad Gen Lecture Th N205
5:00 ENGL1002 Lecture
Weeks 1-13
Woolley Lect Theatre N395
ENGL1002 Lecture
Weeks 1-13
Woolley Lect Theatre N395

Em on the study of myriad languages

I used to enjoy them. Now I just enjoy the idea of them.

– Em Priestley

JavaScript print_r() equivalent

It was observed today that I’m doing an awful lot of JavaScript for someone who has no idea what they’re doing with it. Anyway, was looking for an easy way to do a PHP-esque print_r but with Javascript today and stumbled across this rather-nifty function.
