Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Photos of flowers (and dried out chillies)

More flowers
Dried chillies
More flowers

LCD Burn In

I’ve realised today that my LCD screen is suffering from burn in.

A photo of burn in, left, and a normal screenshot, right.

Apparently, it’s actually called “image persistence”, but I think that’s more corporate double-speak than anything else. The solution? Leave your screen turned off for long enough, or use up more lamp hours (and hence have to replace it sooner anyway) displaying a blank white image.

Just in time for the HSC! :D

All quiet on the Ansearch front

So I dropped a none-too-flattering allusion to Ansearch into a post about the search engine industry in Australia a bit over a week ago now, and their CEO Dean Jones popped in to say he’d picked up the post via Technorati (I was suitably impressed) and that much had changed since my first “review”.

I took up his invitation to contact him via email with questions and suggestions, but have yet to hear anything back. This is perhaps understandable given the length of the email: but I did at least expect a reply acknowledging receipt of this message. At any rate, at present any opportunity Ansearch may have had to clarify misconceptions presented here hasn’t been taken up. I communicated in the email that I was more than happy to publish not only his responses to explicit questions, but also “anything else you wish to add that I haven’t asked about”.

If anyone from Ansearch picks up this post via Technorati, the offer remains open. If you’d prefer not to use email, I’m happy to do a telephone interview for publication here (both in article form and as a supplementary transcript/podcast).

Update: Dean Jones picked up the post, and sent me an email saying he’ll reply shortly. Watch this space!

Shorn dogs and graffitied legs

Our dog

Our dog had a haircut today, thought I’d post this photo here as an act of public humiliation. ;-)

Graffiti projected onto my leg

Snapped this one on the bus today: someone had tagged the window and the sunlight was shining through it onto my leg. I thought it looked cool.

HSC countdown

Observant users* will note a “HSC countdown” clock towards the right edge of your screen. It’s timed to countdown to the start of the first exam: 9.20am on October 17, 2005.

Okay, I admit it. This is a shameless procrastination attempt. But now you know how long I have to procrastinate for, so feel sorry for me (and every other year 12 student in NSW). Or something.

Oh, and, as with several things on this website, I’m perfectly aware it displays kind of on top of some text in Internet Explorer. I don’t particularly care. If it annoys you, then using a better web browser will not only fix that problem, but also reduce the probability of spyware, viruses, and other miscellaneous nasties from installing on your computer. As a bonus, you also get nifty things such as tabbed browsing, etc.

* Well, observant users who aren’t using RSS. Okay, okay, last jibe at the RSS users today!