Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


“Cancer won’t kill in twenty years”

According to this guy, anyway.

Smoking increases the risk of lung diseases such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis. These progressive lung diseases – grouped under the term COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) – are usually diagnosed in current or former smokers in their 60s and 70s. COPD causes chronic illness and disability and is eventually fatal.

Don’t know average stats on heart disease, but I bet if I were to start smoking today, I’d be set. ;-)

You are not here. Or, the Problem with Headphones and Office Chairs.

I decided to move across the room, the headphones fairly solidly plugged in (around a desk and a block of marble) had fairly different ideas. Desk accoutrements went flying, headphones remained firmly tethered, Josh sustains whiplash. It’s like a seatbelt for your head only really, really, not.

The solution? Either a printer situated upstairs so the tray output falls down to me (nifty but occasionally irritating) or wireless headphones (and, really, I get enough Bluetooth/mobile/whatever else radiation as it is). Or just buying less comfy headphones so I don’t forget they’re situated on my head. The ones at present keep my ears warm. Yes, even with this much hair my ears get cold. Yes, nearly in summer after heat waves. Yes, my circulation is that bad, etc. Shut up and leave me to strangle myself with a headphone cord.

Weird Stockxpert pricing

Credits Amount Amount/credit
5 5 1
10 10 1
20 18 1.11
50 40 1.25
100 80 1.25
200 160 1.25
500 400 1.25

Yes, exactly the same pricing for 50 and 500 unit pricing. Guess who’s not going to be buying 500 units in a hurry? *eye rolling* The site is great, but it seems like the people running haven’t got too much of a clue in other departments.


So I’ve had this PC for however long I’ve had it now, and still haven’t installed Quicktime. As in, I haven’t been putting it off, and I’ve been watching plenty of Quicktime content, but I just haven’t seen the need to. As in, it didn’t cross my mind. Because I can install VLC in a matter of seconds with out worrying about annoying “upgrade to pro” prompts or battling the website to let me download a version without full-of-DRM-style-crap music library player wossit. Whatever happened to Nullsoft/Winamp, anyway? I’ve been stuck on a little island called “open-source” (it has penguins but is strangely not that uncomfortable) for a couple of years… then this massive cruise liner came along and picked me up and offered to take me home for about $200. I didn’t get a glossy brochure about the cruise but it’s functionally the same, and now I’m back home wondering what transpired in my absence. Do people still use that thing? Anyway, whatever. Quicktime in the official sense seems kinda redundant with the exception of good/easy browser integration. The end.

Custom Fonts

Hahaha. I just rang a font company to enquire after a product. They told me that it’d been stuck in customs for two weeks and they couldn’t do anything about it yet (this is a 3KG, ~1,800 page, hardcover book. You’d think it’d make more sense to print here, but whatever!)

Terrorists fonts, perhaps.