Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Vinyl 45

On its way from Victoria late next week. Is it bad that I have a name for it already?

Vinyl 45

It’s going to kick some serious butt, and hopefully the fact it’s arriving later in the week will mean that I can spend a few lazy days earlier in the mid-semester break reading books and chilling at the beach/in parks/generally being a uni bum/arts hippie. Then I’ll hopefully not want to go back and this new half-kilowatt flamethrower will be used sparingly around study and real-world engagements.

Either way, this puppy should do nicely for at least the next five years.

They must be putting something in the water

If you’re female and at Sydney University, watch out. Today I had another tutor announce she was pregnant, after, earlier this week, another very pregnant tutor went to “turn this bump into a baby”. They’re everywhere! Hehe.

From the “If you buy DRM’d music it’s your own stupid fault” department

“Microsoft’s iPod-killing Zune player won’t play music that’s locked up with Microsoft’s own anti-copying software.”

Via a ZDNet blog via Slashdot

See also my angry post from last week about copyright and digital media in Australia.

Even if you’re not a geek this STILL AFFECTS YOU. Own an iPod or any other MP3 player? Have iTunes on your computer?

Disproportionate to the crime

Don’t you hate assessments that seem really difficult but actually aren’t worth that much and therefore shouldn’t be difficult? I must be doing something wrong…

Just another night

but the antipathy was not obliterated and constantly hampered the realization of equality says:
Black Yoshi – Klop. 7 07DEC06 says:
I was waiting for that

Are we so predictable?