Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Reiteration of hatred of table-based layout

You all know the story. This time around it’s table-based layout with some crap JavaScript rollover script that is throwing debug errors in IE. Whatever.

Little things

They show what is falling apart, what’s falling to pieces, disintegrating. There’s hardly anything new about a lack of balance, really. Always in absolutes. Well, maybe not. It used to be that way until… everything seems grey, now. [I need a new word for] mediocre. A vocabulary distinguished by mediocracy? Yes, even that jaded front is recognised, now. And if that is indicative of the best, of what one is prepared to put on display, what hope is there for everything beneath that? They see through, one by one. Some distance themselves; others, proceeding with caution, ready to detach themselves at any moment. Still others have not paused long enough to note it’s extrinsic failings, and travel onwards blindly.


Always asking too many questions. Moving on somewhere, restless, never content to stop even for a moment and enjoy everything that’s been given. Not that the alternative is blind submission out of recreancy; just to trust, a little, to take stock and realise that there is so much here already. Why the nomadism? It is anti-acquisitive, but to say that is to suggest things are left behind… this fails to account for acquisition by destruction. There is a burning pattern denoting a path, the fire spreading further away at the edges. Reversing may, strangely, have the opposite effect; quenching the fire as though by back-burning. Exhausted of fuel, it will (perhaps) find comfort amongst the ashes. Life, again, may even spring forth. Parthenogenesis triggered by heat? Ah, a flawed concept. Why would life return to that land?


It may. Once the carcinogenic effusion subsides, moving off into the distance, recovery might commence. But that burning one will never rest (or observe this, far beyond its wake), moving forever onwards [until a vast body of water that quenches its very being and ends the path of destruction that spread towards the sea]. It would not do to end on a question.

SMH RSS feeds now with Summary

It’s difficult to state how happy this makes me. No more will some “creative” subeditor’s headline force me to click an article to figure out what on earth it’s actually about! gives the latest, worth sticking into your reader if you do the syndication thing.

Pwned trolley

A completely pwned trolley, presumably by a semitrailer
A completely pwned trolley, presumably by a semitrailer, alternate angle

Snapped this outside the back of a Coles supermarket today. Presumably it got hit by a semitrailer that reverses up the hill you see in the mirror… must have rolled into it pretty hard.

Motive of a nation

Just to say that we can. Destroying ourselves just to say that we can.

Affluence informing choices of practical indifference.

Cognition questioning its role in an indifferent and apathetic society: post-reason. Post-everything, bar one. And that is more than some (post-)structuralist theory.

For now? I’m sick of it. Over it. I’d love to argue my way out of this hole but that presumes an audience (there is one) who will bother engaging with arguments (therein lies the problem). So, I smugly reassure myself of my own correctness (though smugness isn’t as fun when no-one else gives a crap), and try and remember that all we’re doing is producing worthless material no-one will ever engage with/be enriched by/informed by/care about.

It’s not that the art is a false economy per se (though it may be), but simply that what we are producing is not, by any stretch of the imagination, of value. Hence, it is not art.

We practice our artless art-form in full view of the world, as though a patron may be enticed by its austerity. The patron, obviously, is a masochist. Our art-form is dada, we produce meaningless noise. We automate the production of meaningless noise. It is more than noise. It is noise filled with blades; more than [passively] ambient, tantamount to harm, destructive of society.

But that is, of course, what society desired all along. Just to prove that it could… what?