Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Topping up the nationalism

Well I now feel thoroughly Australian again. A 40 degree day (104 degrees if you’re American/use Fahrenheit) and a trip to the beach saw the national spirit cemented. Or perhaps fermented. Or melted. Whatever.

Having said that, I did go to Coogee beach. So I guess that means I could well be a kiwi, or a pom, or… from a fair few other places in Europe. Meh!

p.s. 40 degrees was recorded at Sydney Airport, which is the closest observation station here. So it actually did reach that temperature even in the East! Olympic Park topped it at 40.1 degrees, but that’s not particularly surprising given the location… in fact, it’s surprising they’re that close! I’ve decided it’s way too hot in Australia (or at least Sydney in Summer) and have decided it’d be great to move South… or to Europe or somewhere lots colder. Scandinavia, perhaps!

A photo or 576 (according to cat-scan) from NZ

New Zealand

I can’t be bothered categorising them further. There’s about 60MB there for those who can be bothered looking at them all (it’s not advisable to try!).

More to come whenever I get the SLR photos developed. Probably in the distant future given my track record there (I’ve got six canisters here full of unprocessed film, some from months back!)

Home from NZ

So I guess this means I should hurry up and post something. Too late/tired tho. I’m currently rotating photographs (the digital ones, haven’t put any of the four rolls of 35mm in for processing yet), and might possibly post a selection tomorrow. Maybe.

I’m now convinced my digital camera isn’t quite as magical in terms of quality as I’d once supposed. I was a bit trigger-happy and not particularly prudent in planning a lot of shots with the digital camera, and it shows. Mostly with colour balance/peaking. I can attribute that in part to being outdoors and having a tiny LCD viewfinder, but I can also attribute some photos to not bothering to stop walking whilst taking a shot, not waiting for exposure/focus to set on half-depress before taking a photo, etc. I was just lazy.

Anyway, I took enough photos there is good stuff there regardless. It’s actually mostly pretty good, but I was a bit disappointed with the peaking colours. Meh! The 1GB read fine on my Ubuntu box, for the record, so Windows just sucks. ‘Nuff said.

Canyon Swing photo

Me falling

From NZ

Hi there.

Just writing to let you all know I’m alive, or something. Maybe just to admit I couldn’t stay away from a computer? Whatever! ;-)

I’m on a coin-op terminal in the YHA, coz it’s too miserable to walk to a real net-cafe in town (there are plenty). Which means I’m on a keyboard that looks as though it were designed by someone on heavy, heavy drugs. That is, it’s completely unusable. Actually, come to think of it, maybe they weren’t on drugs and needed to be. Either way, typing is painful.

So this is going to be quick.

Milford walk was good, very relaxing so far as such things go. It was vaguely full of geriatrics (sp? I can’t check, because this bloody terminal can’t even open a new window, let alone tabs), but I hid behind my two cameras the whole time so all was good. 300+ pictures on digital alone, nearly four rolls of 35mm film.

Major problem with the 1GB card. Linux read it fine, the camera read it fine, Windows decides it’s going to… erm… I’ll say “act like usual” to avoid expletives. Basically it didn’t come preformatted, but I didn’t notice because the camera didn’t have a problem and neither, I think, did my desktop (Ubuntu) at home. So as much as I’d love to share a photo or 400, I can’t. Not yet, anyway.

After the walk, we went white-water rafting and I did this Canyon Swing thing… which is like a combination of freefall and an enormous swing. It’s 100 and a bit metres high, about 60 of which is freefall. Good stuff. I have photos to prove it, but seeing as I can’t be bothered walking places (i.e. to a place where I can plug in my camera — ha ha, it’s not working because all these places run Windows — or use a scanner, because I have hard-copy) it’s impossible to share just yet. It’ll happen.

I don’t know when I’m next going to be at a computer because we’re gonna start driving around the country in a day or two, so next post might be sometime in December after I get back!

Oh, yeah, and I might have possibly moderated a comment or two. The spammers have been nice-ish. Time’s up on this piece of junk. The clock is doing some stupid key-trapping animation thing to stop me from actually using it in the last minute. Doh!