Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


If I swam

Which I don’t, but imagining for a moment I did…

A picture of some very cool goggles that display the time

these are the coolest goggles in the world.

The callout is just to make the details easier to read, they don’t project the image or anything… although that would be cool, too, if a tad difficult due to dimension constraints!

On rails

Rails logo I’ve heard lots about [Ruby on] Rails over the last several months, but never really bothered to find out what it was about/what it did differently until today, when their website was featured on Stylegala. Yeah, procrastination takes strange forms – I found myself inexplicably drawn to the content of this website, with a desire to discover everything about this system.

Okay, not quite.

I saw a link to a video, and went and viewed that.

Screen capture from video

It was interesting, surprising, astounding. The “Rails Academy” contains a series of video tutorials, of which I have watched only one that demonstrates how to create a (rudimentary) blog system in under 15 minutes, with something like 60 lines of code. Oh, and you get used to the accent in the video pretty quickly.

I’m really impressed. I’m almost afraid to start using it, because I think I’ll like it so much that there’ll be problems with deployment when web hosts don’t have Ruby/Rails installed! Hopefully I’ll have more to report on this front in a few months time.

Opera background printing bug

I discovered this one today when trying to build a print stylesheet for a website and testing in Opera 7.x on my Linux desktop. Even when a background is set for the body element in the print stylesheet, and the “screen” background is set only for the screen, Opera will insist on obstinantly including the “screen” background when it prints (and, by logical reasoning, should be using the print stylesheet). Apparently this has been filed as a bug by someone else, but I thought I’d rant about it here just because I can.

The closest I can see to a “fix” for this is simply using the following rule, though your mileage may vary, depending on how fancy you want your print stylesheets to look (I like mine plain).

* {background:#fff;}

For most layouts that should suffice.

data: URIs

I stumbled across this post – from about three years ago – today, and thought it was incredibly cool. Note that the background on the second layer in is similarly encoded… nifty beyond.

Via Anne’s weblog in a roundabout kind of way.

Absolutely no idea if any of that works in Internet Explorer… if you’re an IE person and it works/doesn’t work, it’d be great to see a comment…

On an unrelated note, lack of posting over this last week has been due to a Crusaders-run study camp at… somewhere without Internet access… Galston-ish. If nothing else, it was good for the habit/schedule of study and talks throughout the week!

Regular programming shall return shortly… although possibly not until after Trial exams in a month or so.

Scratched glass

A photo of scratched glass, with an interesting impact on light refraction