I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.
— @joahua
02 May 2007
I saw the most ridiculous Google text ad yet today:
“Shocking Piano Lessons – Piano Teachers Want us Banned Controversial Site Exposes All”
It was one of those zero-relevance Gmail index page ads, which can be a bit quirky… even so. Seriously bizarre.
02 May 2007
It’s been way too long since I’ve had to write a decent length (anything). I need to pick some subjects that actually involve substantial written essay-style work next semester or I risk becoming rapidly illiterate. 2,000 words to go. At 9.15pm. : |
30 Apr 2007
The things you find…

The one on the right is replacing the one on the left. The one on the right was found on the street – the one on the left was found in a rubbish dump a few months earlier. My secondary monitor just got an upgrade… I’ll be putting off that new LCD purchase for another couple of months!
And yes, that is Premiere Pro on the screen. CS3 has a free Beta available… I’m really loving it! It’s crippled in many ways but if you can’t afford Premiere and don’t already have an earlier version it’s a pretty good option. I’m probably going to install the free Beta on a secondary computer once CS3 goes gold and I buy the real thing… so there can be one real version that does everything, and another production-capable workstation also running CS3. Speaking of which, two projectors, two vision mixers, three cameras, two PC’s, a DVD player, a couple of radio mics and a whole bucketload of cables are getting a workout tomorrow evening for a cooking evening. Should be interesting… but I desperately need sleep now to be awake for then. Need more time to just veg and blog and talk to people and stuff… ahhh! *head explosion* Next week should be an improvement…
26 Apr 2007
On same rainy day. I stayed drier for a little while but did get out of the car when we got away from the muddy puddle!

Photo credits again to Nic!
26 Apr 2007

A series of photos taken by Nic on a particularly wet day. Probably more to come.
Download: 1024×768, 1280×800, 1280×1024, 1440×900, 2560×1024 (1280 dual monitor)
The dual monitor version is my wallpaper at the minute! It looks good, but makes me crave a good second monitor even more. One day.