10 Oct 2006

A very useful programme for when you just can’t be stuffed reaching across to the phone sitting a few centimeters away from you on the desk ;-) Or, for those of us who manage to not notice a phone going off less than a meter away from their head, but will be instantly bugged beyond belief by a popup alert on their screen into responding. My SMS response rate has got nearly as bad as my email followups this last couple of weeks, so it’s probably helpful.
Oh, and it’s also useful for ‘backing up’ (yeah yeah, onsite = bad, etc.) /copying/pasting URLs, etc. in SMS. Jeyo doesn’t do MMS/PXT at all which is a bit of a bummer but it’s quite cool apart from that. I’m still deciding if it’s worth twenty bucks (Australian).
It operates through ActiveSync so you’ve got to have that going as well… which you probably would anyway if you own a PDA in any way associated with a desktop PC (weird *nix/mac types excepted – but as if Mac users would use anything other than a Palm! Well, maybe Blackberry have a foot in there, but it’s probably too corporate for them hippies – tongue firmly in cheek). It kinda bugs me that this functionality isn’t available for free from someone, actually, but whatever.
I can now send SMS for ~15¢ Australian through Skype, for ~5½¢ (real cost) using my mobile through Outlook 2002, or wait til people are on MSN and then send them whatever for free. Clearly, we pay for convenience. And don’t really value sub-gold-coin amounts of money.
08 Oct 2006

Glowy goodness. You know you’re a massive geek when you have UV lights but not of the crappy little CCFL persuasion.
06 Oct 2006

Oh, what was that? The sound of money going away from Three again? Yeah, maybe. I think I have this effect on them, I bet the site was working fine until five minutes before I tried to access it. Or maybe Three just suck. ;-)
Clearly, real businesses don’t run open source software. (Just thought I’d throw that into the mix before Steve got here ;-) I’m also allowed to say that now, having reverted to the Dark Side with Vinyl 45!)
06 Oct 2006
It uses the term SMS exactly once. MMS doesn’t get a mention, and, just to make sure it’s not a parochial thing, I checked for PXT as well… also no mention. If anyone has any good stats on messenging by Australian mobile SPs please leave a comment. Telstra are great, Optus/SGT are not so great. Clearly as an annual report it should be more than fluff followed by some financial boringness. Competitive analysis, etc., would surely be not a bad thing to have in there. Mind you, weighing in at 192 pages, there’s a lot of fluff already.
*growls at corporate types*
05 Oct 2006

It’s here.

DFI LanParty UT NForce4 SLI-DR VENUS, AMD 64bit 3200+ (939) @ 2.4GHz, 2GB (2 x 1GB DIMMS) OCZ Platinum DDR PC4000, 256MB GeForce 7600GS PCIe, 250GB Sata2 Seagate, Pioneer DVD Combi drive, OCZ Powerstream 520 Watts… and XP Pro still sucks. Necessary evils, I suppose. 2221 3DMark ’06, don’t remember ’05 score.
All this firepower and I’m sitting here playing seven-year-old RTS games anyway. Sigh :P Next stop, another hard drive (just so I don’t have system/data on same disk… I’d complain about the pagefile — wow it’s weird calling a swap partition that — but somehow with 2GBs of tasty memory — mmm brains — that shouldn’t be too much of a concern just yet ;-)).
Also, I’m rather sold on the dual core myth so if anyone has an X2 939 they’re trying to get rid of… PWTB. Not that I need it right now so it’ll wait a while. I’m planning on saving again and getting some decent video hardware to go with my new Sony PVM-411CE :-)

I’ve got some case mods planned but am thinking they’re going to have to wait until summer break for reasons of time and money. And it’s now 1.30 in the morning and I’ve got to be up in five and a half hours. Doh… computers suck.