Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Winter afternoon sun

Summer shadows are hazy, easily forgot. Winter’s are chiselled out, or graven with a perfectly-formed knife.

People are the only exception.

Crisp winter sun across flowers with photographer's shadown

Taken whilst walking the dog. No time for technical perfection. Minimal editing.

True nerds

Girls huddled round a computer

Or geeks, whatever works.


It feels like this is happening more and more often. I’m not sure if it is or not… it might be I just realise these things more now. Growth in a twisted way? So many things. Conversation twists and suddenly I have folded back on myself, nauseous from sheer wrongness, a complete lack of wisdom and immaturity. Defining.

Words are just that. Getting caught in them is stupid, irrational. Eventually, repulsive. Certainly that seems to be where this hovers now. Why can’t they leave? But immersion is coming; it is a whirlpool three-and-a-half days of seven — their anathema is realised in the opposite half, but the balance-point is sub-ideal to begin with. So escape is futile; I am a part of this, now… it is too late to deny it. There is no coming up for air, trapped beneath a sheet that is held by surface-tension for some years yet. Years. What, eighty? At least it’s not 500, or more. That would be agonisingly awkward. Or maybe not. Actually, probably. I think they just learn to pretend everything is different. It’s a grand [fantastic, spectacular, fanciful, delightful – as in “grand old building”] conspiracy (there I go, caught up in words again) that occasionally shatters.

No matter, they say, sweeping the fragments under the social fabric (rug). We will go on lying to ourselves, until…

Grey-outs, brown-outs, black-outs… out.

I think my desktop-of-three-years is about to give up on me. The DVD drive appears to have stopped working, and the other day my 40GB volume unexpectedly powered down and the computer soft-reset, with the drive not working until I rebooted properly.

Then my computer apparently turned itself off a day or two later, and I was slightly concerned. Being a well-trained tech-monkey, the first thing I did was check power. I’d kicked it out… just.

It was actually still in the power socket, and looking loose enough that it’d probably been moved out over a period of several days. So it occured to me that maybe it was actually so close I could have nudged it that day my hard-drive failed and caused a brown out… which isn’t actually that implausible, if a tad improbable.

Perhaps it’s not just about to die. Perhaps that’s what actually happened… perhaps.

Meanwhile, the computer is still perfectly fast (and would be faster if I gutted and reinstalled Ubuntu) if a little shy on storage space. 40GB is becoming increasingly cramped (even with an additional 10GB drive dedicated to OS + applications), and hard drives are SO CHEAP these days. I’ll probably save up for a bit to get a 250GB drive and a DVD burner, and a new graphics card whilst I’m doing the computer shopping thing (there’s a computer fair at UNSW in two weeks but it was pretty meagre last time I went…).

The graphics card thing is mostly just so I’ve got video-out and a DVI connection. I’m sick of my LCD’s picture flickering/distorting because of the cheap VGA cable I’m using! Ah well. Sometime… I can never be bothered buying computer stuff anymore (unless it’s on eBay ;-)).

Trackback spam

What the hell are they thinking? 450 messages since I switched off at about 12.30 last night until 8 when I checked again this morning. I actually bothered to weed through them all and check there weren’t any legit ones in there. When will you guys realise YOU ARE NEVER GOING TO GET YOUR SPAM TO APPEAR ON THIS BLOG?! The only thing you will possibly achieve is the disabling of Trackbacks, which doesn’t really concern me because Pingbacks are infinitely superior/more secure, etc.

I really hope I never meet any of the people doing this…