Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


The Internet is full of

Morons. And today I do not count myself in their midst.

I am currently being irritated by the slightest show of ignorance in any web-related discipline. WSG list is royally pissing me off at the minute. I am quite aware the problem is probably my own and very little to do with the relative intelligence of the wider Internet.

Grumble grumble grumble.

*goes outside to socialise because blogging is not a substitute for human interaction*

Seek IT: Web Programmer for new Christian youth site

Fancy that.

Please be praying we find someone good (or, suitably sinful but repentant and appropriately talented, because there’s nearly no such thing as a good person).

Ad proper after the break:


A Christian youth organisation (Anglican Youthworks) is looking for a programmer to commence immediately as part of a small team.
This is a project-based role in which you will be equipping youth ministries across Sydney with web-based communication/publishing tools and quality evangelical content.

If you have experience in:

  • building dynamic websites using MVC-style PHP, Python or Java
  • with a relational database (MySQL/PostgreSQL preferably, but it’s a clean slate!)
  • publishing PDF documents securely online
  • creating AJAX-powered interfaces securely
  • connecting to 3rd party service providers using APIs (payment gateways, SMS, etc.)
  • using code versioning systems (Subversion or CVS)

We’d love to hear from you.

Knowledge of frameworks such as Django, Struts or similar would be beneficial.

Learn more about the project at

This high-visibility project would suit a young developer with a passion for sharing Christ and building up his disciples through the Internet.

Interested applicants please email

Josh Street
Anglican Youthworks | CYIADA Project

Job ads galore

And another one on SydneyAnglicans for good measure. You don’t have to be an Anglican and possibly could get away living somewhere other than Sydney to do the job!

Job ads are marginally expensive… we’d better get some applicants from those two!

Google Sitemaps–

I’ve had to disable Google Sitemaps for this site in a bid to stop post and comment form submissions resulting in a blank page. Probably gonna negate a bit of the Google Love but that’s okay, the blank pages have been driving me batty! WordPress plugin Google Sitemaps basically uses too much memory (I think… PHP error reporting isn’t turned on on this server so I can’t be 100% sure)… last time it succeeded it wrote a 3MB file I think. Could also be a gzip related issue but I doubt it (gzip works fine for other things IIRC).

So enjoy commenting again without a horribly blank screen greeting you!

David Hicks

This makes me angry. I believe it to be, in large part anyway, truthful. I have no elaborate political response to give other than general disgust. It is curious that mainstream media (i.e. film: Children of Men, V for Vendetta, etc.) should borrow so effectively from contemporary events but to such innocuous effect. Matters are not apparently as bad as they [were] in Guantanamo, and the extrapolation of these methods of government is, in my experience, more likely to desensitise than mobilise an audience.

(And no, I will not vote for The Greens. Some evils are greater than others.)