Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


Bravia Paint

New ad from Sony Bravia. The Sony brand doesn’t get much of a work out this time around, it’s only displayed separately from the Bravia and “like no other” brands. It seems they’re linking like no other and Bravia more with this campaign? Anyway, it’s great test-reel fodder with a 720 HD download available from their site. Only 90 seconds, I’m hoping they’re going to release a longer one. As with the last one, the making-of is worth watching. I actually found it way more emotive than the slightly-austere real thing, because there was a cheering crew (of 200!!) and crowd and real explosion sounds. The real ad is brilliant, sure, but the making-of is more moving.

Pot of gold?

A rainbow finishing above Fisher Library

Just like a chocolate milkshake only researched

Well, where chocolate milkshake = work of fiction. There is a reason I wrote my extension 2 major work in the same amount of time it took for me to write two essays coming to only half of its size! But uni is more fun, if slightly more work. I will keep using the f- word to try and fool myself into thinking that Thursday’s one won’t be so bad. It is starting tomorrow, after a relatively-relaxing history lecture.

Anyway I’ll probably stick essays up online in a day or two, not too soon because of the stupidly low late penalties our uni has which would make opportunistic plagiarism of that sort quite simple to execute. Quite simpler to defend from my perspective once they discovered it (if), but whatever :P

Now… geek time!

Education essay well and truly finished

Quite happy with that. Now I’m going to go and read myself to sleep and then bounce back up not-too-late tomorrow morning and churn out… 400 words an hour. It’s waffly political crap (borderline philosophy, quasi-historical) so I’m looking forward to it. What I’m not looking forward to is finishing it, getting it handed in, and then realising there are no fun assessments left. Looking at this Language and Image assessment is like watching a tidal wave approaching when you’re ten kilometers out to sea in a kayak (Which is code for, I need a drink). But, anyway, enough about that.

Education has had its butt sufficiently kicked (alas, no “In soviet Russia, butt kicks you!” style sentences were had, despite Vygotsky and his band of merry men the Kharkovians being great Soviet fun for all the family, except for Stalin’s son, who was apparently deficient and daddy resultingly banned Vygotsky’s work for a bloody long time), though I was somewhat disappointed that the faculty only likes APA style citation. Sigh. Anyone would think that education is actually practical or something, psscchtt. I pulled out the MLA Handbook (fourth edition, because fifth only adds online citation info — and, honestly, who would cite a website? — and because it was dirt cheap (well, okay, about half price) and I’m nerdy enough to want to own one) just for comparative kicks. Well, that and I wanted it handy for starting history. Should be good times.


Percept what? Untitled paradigms gain clarity, Shaped as cliche, evolving til their fall.

Then, again, exemplar touchstones arise But for these followers, there is no prototype.

Redefinitional struggle breaks as fungus creeps towards a new rock onto which it will silently attach.

Then rain falls and finds itself channelled across previously benign surfaces. Clinging and seeping into the depths.

It nourishes insidiousness alone: the cathartic purity promised of it is but an illusion. Bathing in filth.

But the poison was never added, only grown. This agar plate plays host to a spreading disesase.

So the blackened glass obscures light, the powdered poison coating every surface.

The core has suffocated itself. It might not have seen it coming but its will was its own.

Actor author Victim victor Monster malarky

Invention plays with light but suddenly it has blown out itself as glowing winds are ‘harnessed’.

As though there were control.

As though shapes on the wall played comfortably in the dim light.

It only takes a flicker.