I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.
— @joahua
03 Sep 2006

31 Aug 2006

Education at Usyd is impinging upon your territory of finger painting, etc.! This is in a common primary/secondary/human-movement course, too!
Muwahahaha! (No this is not rigged… he drew two trees, left, then a sun and moon, top right, then proceeded to draw a few different stars. All very nice… and it was all relevant!)
31 Aug 2006

Yes, that is in the middle of the Quad building. (Yes, it is taken at night… 9.20ish). No, this doesn’t happen every night, but even so… there was some kind of musical performance going on in the Great Hall and all I could think of was that it was some strange kind of cult gathering! All very strange.
31 Aug 2006
Today I:
- Had a frustratingly circular discussion about the problem of [negative net social benefit resulting from existence] (‘evil’ is what I’d term it).
- Worried about what next week would look like without any common conviction about the state of any problem, but tried to resolve just to pray more about it and worry less. It’s sort of working.
- Stressed some more about actually finding time to get next week’s stuff done before Monday when I get to go through it with a good friend for practice’s sake, in light of groupwork, and an essay or two. Consequently, this post is procrastination and I will be heading to Fisher immediately after it’s published.
- Went to an education lecture involving drawing various things, including some fascinating art psychology allusions.
- Sat on a bus two meters from a talkative pre-school child and her mother, quite engrossed in their conversation. This is juxtaposed immediately against the backdrop of an education lecture which always tends to focus thoughts in that age-direction anyway. Consequently, I decided that no matter how many ways there are to potentially screw up being a parent, it seems immutably worth the risk. One day…
- Quit my job. By way of buried statement, I’m now completely free to freelance. Exciting things to come, God willing.
- Ate dinner at home at a relaxed pace for some reason (I don’t know why this is of note… I feel it is…), whilst wishing there were some other way to balance… everything.
30 Aug 2006

One of those weather-ambivalent days. It wasn’t an ambivalent time when I took the photo but what it depicts is… bedraggled Dandelion clock foreground with brighter flora in an uncertain background, whilst the photo itself was bright (or at least washed-out and very digital looking) and my edited version is rather more foreboding (or deep/feels like film grain). So there’s some over-explanation for a rainy day.