Josh (the blog)

I’ve delivered simple, clear and easy-to-use services for 20 years, for startups, scaleups and government. I write about the nerdy bits here.


I hate academic snobbery

Oh my goodness. Why didn’t I go to Google sooner? All that time trawling through books and ERIC and Gale DBs, wasted!

I could have even hit I’m feeling lucky. I’M FEELING FREAKIN’ UNLUCKY! Number 1 match for “adolescent emotional development” (entered not out of desparation but simply on a whim this evening to see what it turned up! I’ll confess I was expecting angsty blog entries from some more-erudite teenagers rather than actual research.) unveils a brilliant overview page from an Assoc. Prof. at Queen’s Uni (Canada)’s developmental psychology department, which is incredibly well supported with citations, etc.

I should quit this whole uni/vocational dealing-with-people-and-books gig right now and go back to my little geek world in which Google knows all and Wikipedia can be read without fear of violent reprisals from the faculty thought-police. The two are converging! It’s like those cheesy rooms in movies with spikes on the walls that couldn’t realistically kill you properly because of the ridiculously large space between spikes that makes scaling the wall possible! And now I’ve stopped whining and am just procrastinating.


does not equal nine-o’clock in the evening. How I managed to even think this I have no idea. My clock is functioning fine, I am not. Anyway, it’s nearly tomorrow, not 10pm. I need a reset switch and/or new batteries.

Thought history

Oh dear. I just tried pressing Ctrl + Z in LyX to remember an idea I’d forgotten. Insert quite plausible theories about time-of-day influence upon consciousness here. At least it’s a fun essay to write. Could be a tired-kind-of-fun, though, and I’m actually writing crap. We’ll see.

1.30am McCafé coffee = quite bearable and never running out (this cup has lasted for so long, seriously). This post brought to you by computers, caffiene, guarana, Toblerone, and the letter P (for procrastination). Oh and by the way, the eye in the last post was me this afternoon just before coffee #1 for the day. I imagine it may take a rather different appearance on next viewing…


An eye

Watch out COFA

Secret Teacher's business

Education at Usyd is impinging upon your territory of finger painting, etc.! This is in a common primary/secondary/human-movement course, too!

Muwahahaha! (No this is not rigged… he drew two trees, left, then a sun and moon, top right, then proceeded to draw a few different stars. All very nice… and it was all relevant!)